The ‘secret of life’ is belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives.
Science & Spirituality
Habits & Hustle
Not sure how science and spirit are inseparable for a truly healthy life? Skeptical of this kind of discussion? Give it a listen and see how you come out on the other side.
Get Real or Die Trying
Listen to Amadon DellErba and Bruce talk about the power of the mind, the heart chakra, bridging science and spirit, and quantum physics!
Architects of a New Civilisation
Join Bruce and Shay from Earth Heroes TV for a conversation around these important questions: What is cultural creativity? What’s the most valuable resource people could use to intact rapid change? What is the true nature of our existence and reality? How do we navigate life when we might possibly be misinterpreting information? How do we stay positive and find meaning in our lives with such Uncertainty & Change?
Life, Death, and the Space Between Podcast
On this show with Dr. Amy Robbins, Bruce talks about: the premise of Dr. Lipton’s work and why people have flocked to it for years; When science and spirituality really parted ways and how this work reintegrates the two; What our cells teach us about how we can live more fully and without illness; Epigenetics, and why is it such an incredibly important discovery; and How our physical body manifests our energetic experience.