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What is the power of connecting with your own truth?
Every person perceives the world differently. So essentially, there are six billion human versions of reality on this planet, each perceiving its own truth.
Member Video Webinar with Bruce – Oct ’24
If we are living in a stimulat …
THINK Beyond Your Genes – October 2024
The Role of Spirituality in a Worldshift
Nature is based on harmony. So it says if we want to survive and become more like nature, then we actually have to understand that it’s cooperation versus competition.
What do you think will be significant in the future?
You may consider yourself an individual, but as a cell biologist, I can tell you that you are in truth a cooperative community of approximately fifty trillion single-celled citizens.
How about Spreading Peace, Love & Becoming a ‘Noble Gas’?
We are not victims of our genes, but masters of our fates, able to create lives overflowing with peace, happiness, and love.
What you believe is the most important factor in raising happy, healthy children?
Your children’s genes reflect only their potential, not their destiny. It is up to you to provide the environment that allows them to develop to their highest potential.
Alignment Modality©
The Alignment Modality© is a channeled teaching designed to simplify the awakening process by removing unnecessary complexities often found in New Age practices. It consists of four modules, spaced 3-4 months apart, allowing time for integration and healing. Each module builds on the previous one, ensuring balance and alignment by addressing the transformation of the emotional body before progressing to deeper layers, such as shadow work.
The Wisdom of Your Cells
Beliefs and thoughts alter cells in your body.