Each of us is “information” manifesting and experiencing a physical reality.
New Wisdom
How will you welcome each day into your life?
In a universe made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one.
How are love and evolution interconnected?
From the first spark of life ignited by the wave of light impregnating the particle of matter on Earth, every stage of evolution has involved two things: greater connection, and greater awareness.
What do you think about Gaia Theory and what is it?
Human behavior is changing the face of Nature
What is the New Biology and how does it unify conventional medicine, complementary medicine, as well as spiritual healing?
Spiritual healing implies the existence of a non-local reality, that we are one and the same with the Universe.
Metaphorically, how could cells be conceived as miniature “people”?
The Universe is built upon fractal geometry.