If indeed love is a resonant harmonic, then a case can be made for evolution being the evolution of love itself. From the first spark of life ignited by the wave of light impregnating the particle of matter on Earth, every stage of evolution has involved two things: greater connection, and greater awareness.
While we should beware of anthropomorphizing cells – they hate it when we do that – in a very important sense, when single cells joined to become multi-cell organisms, they “surrendered” to a higher level of organization, and “agreed” to live in harmony. In other words, love.
The same has been true of individuals affiliating in tribes, and tribes affiliating as nations. At each stage, individuals (or groups of individuals) have become aware of how connecting in community would enhance their well being. Taking a cue from the Iroquois Nation, America’s founders designed a system where individual states gave up their right to arm themselves against one another. Think for a moment what it would have meant for states to have armed borders, and the inevitability of a border skirmish. Clearly, America’s prosperity has been due in part to not having to spend precious resources defending against other Americans.
On a worldwide scale, imagine what we could do with the trillions of dollars we spend on weaponry. Certainly, an argument can be made that while the vast majority of us may be peace loving, we would still have to defend ourselves against those who aren’t. This is true. However, we are all too commonly mobilized by our “leaders” against a perceived enemy, when in actuality the true “enemy” is the field of beliefs that reinforce an absence of love and the misleaders who manipulate that field.