Our life is not controlled by the conscious mind, which is wishes and desires. It’s controlled by the subconscious which has been programmed by observing other people.
Power of the Subconscious Mind
Have you ever heard that as human beings we usually spend (at best) only 5% of our time in our conscious mind, and the other 95% in our subconscious mind?
95% of your life comes from the subconscious.
What kind of vibes are you feeling today?
Don’t let your rational mind discount what your inner voice is telling you.
How do we more effectively control our lives and health?
To fully effect change in our life it is necessary to identify if your subconscious programs are interfering with your conscious desires to heal.
What does a parent do who doesn’t want to instill the same programs in their child that they observed?
The programming of a child’s subconscious primarily occurs during the first six years of their life.
Is the subconscious mind a connecting link between the finite mind and the collective consciousness?
The conscious mind can create but it creates through the filter of subconscious programming.