Simply what is the subconscious mind, a database of programs and the conscious mind is connected to the collective consciousness of the world. But the conscious mind is running the body, essentially like sitting in front of the computer and pulling up programs to run your lives. The conscious mind can create but it creates through the filter of subconscious programming.
Subconscious is a link, a resource of behavior, a program to facilitate life – once you learn how to walk its a habit and you don’t need to learn it again. If you didn’t have a subconscious mind everyday you wake up and you wanted to walk you would have to relearn everyday again and again.
Basically if we didn’t have a subconscious mind we probably would never be able to do anything other then get up in the morning and take care of ourselves, because we would have to relearn everyday. Subconscious mind is a very important connector because it connects behaviors that we use all the time to programs that can be activated by just pushing the button but its not a link between the collective consciousness.
But the subconscious mind is used by the individual no other individuals have access to the subconscious mind, except through you. It is directly connected to the conscious mind and the conscious mind is you selecting the programs and creating behaviors.