Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives & Seekers Everywhere,
Fact: Today’s civilization requires 1.6 planet Earths to survive.
Fact: We only have 1 planet Earth .
Conclusion (No Brainer!) Civilization must either evolve or die!
Most people are so caught-up in today’s local and global chaos that they fail to ponder another, more serious, and overriding problem: Human behavior has undermined the web of life and triggered the planet’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
How long will it be before this extinction “stuff” hits the fan? According to NASA scientists, industrial civilization is facing an “irreversible” collapse within the next couple of decades. Is there anything we can do about it, or should we just feast and frolic while we can, and then, “go-out” in a blaze of glory? Civilization is collapsing, but it does not mean that all humans will die out, although a massive number of them will transition under the impending stress.
Is there any “light” at the end of the tunnel? What’s in our favor?
Humans have one unique characteristic that transcends the abilities of all other organisms … we can adapt to any environment. However, to adapt requires action. To forestall our extinction, we must be proactive. Where to start?
The answer lies in recognizing a simple fact: Energy is life. Energy provides “force,” the power to engage life functions, from moving your pinky to thinking about tonight’s dinner. When considering the role of energy in the body to support life, we must also recognize that outside the body, money is a physical form of energy reserves to support life’s needs.
Survival starting point: Civilization, (i.e., each and every one of us) must cut its use of planetary resources by a minimum of 1/3. Energy, whether in bodily or financial form, is a commodity that can be audited and must be considered. In our review of our energy usage, an important filter to apply: Does the anticipated energy expenditure offer a return to support our personal, or our community’s, health and vitality? The reason is we use a lot of our life energy engaging in activities that do not offer any benefit to our survival.
When it comes to your bank checkbook, auditing your “energy” expenses is easy. We are more aware of our investments because we must record and, consequently, consider the value of each expenditure. Now consider if we had to write a check to cover the energy for each of our thoughts and behavioral actions. We would have to think about how many of these thoughts and behaviors support our and/or our community’s vitality. How many of our energy “investments” represent “wasted” or squandered energy activities, equivalent to the burning of dollar bills and walking away with nothing more than a pile of ashes?
One of the major contributors to Earth’s looming ecological disaster is Darwinian theory, which has been popularized as “survival of the fittest in the struggle for life.” In ancient times, fitness was measured regarding an individual’s physical prowess. Today, fitness is measured in in terms of financial prowess, manifested as billionaires and millionaires. “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Consequently, civilization is currently obsessed with extracting the planet’s dwindling resources and turning them into “fitness,” expressed as material goods, toys.
Consider the childhood “joy” (happiness) in getting a greatly desired toy or present … one that a few days later, ends up in the closet, never to see the light of day again. The surge of joy that “stuff” offers, drives many people throughout their lives, feeding a desire that has a vital impact in budgeting life’s energy. Buying material goods to experience “joy” is like the action of a drug, one that makes us feel good now, but soon fades with the need to obtain another “hit.”
The pursuit of happiness is so important for humanity, that it was included in the first paragraph of The Declaration of Independence. However, a major problem facing humanity is linking that quest for happiness with material possessions. The most profound, and yet the most neglected, source of happiness is provided by life-enhancing immaterial experiences: the joy of living, loving, and laughing.
Joy is a derivative from life experiences. Life enhancing vitality can be acquired from breathing fresh air, feeling the sun, participating in family and community activities, and simply experiencing the beauty of Nature, its vistas, sunsets, and starry night skies.
Through planetary chaos, climate change, and even pandemics, Mother Nature is prodding us to change our self-destructive behavior. In this time of evolutionary upheaval, we can and must adapt. A starting place to conserve life-giving energy is to manage the energy expenditures that provide for our physical and emotional wellbeing. An old adage reads: “A stitch in time saves nine.”
Dear cultural creatives, in the face of chaos, it is timely to start conserving energy … the energy of consciousness, the energy of planet Earth.
Wishing YOU, Happiness, Health, and Harmony,
Upcoming Events
At this time we are planning for these events to occur and will notify you if there’s a change in schedule.
The Honeymoon Effect: Create Heaven on Earth
The Biology of Personal Empowerment: Thriving Through Evolutionary Chaos
CSTQ – Congress of Health and Quantum Therapy
Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden in Rimini
SOUL Festival
Find Your Flow! Festival 2023
Featuring Bruce
Bruce joins 50+ leading experts in this Reverse Inflammaging Body and Mind Longevity Medicine Summit. Listen here
During this one-of-a-kind event, 60+ internationally-renowned health and wellness experts will share their unmatched wisdom and proven healing modalities for regulating your nervous system, switching off your maladaptive stress response, and cultivating physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Join the Summit
Bruce Recommends
A New Universal Dream is the inspiring story of Steve’s journey from the pursuit of wealth and traditional ideas of success toward a more fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity. It’s also the story of the potential each of us have for profound change and the power we all hold to open ourselves ever deeper to the Oneness of all things and to evolve ourselves consciously toward the highest versions of ourselves.
This book will arm you with ideas, tools, and a roadmap to greater awareness and hope for the future, as you become a more conscious leader in your family, workplace, and community, and play your part in helping to create a better world.
For Details: Click here
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