This episode offers an opportunity to become aware of our potential and transform our core beliefs. Bruce Lipton shares with us about his scientific experiences which led him to discover epigenetics. Exploring the power of our mind and how we can empower ourselves through a better understanding of our behaviors and belief system.
Waste Not Want Not Podcast – Conscious Evolution Through Personal Empowerment
Dr. Nader Butto & Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
An exciting Zoom meeting between two groundbreaking researchers. Dr. Bruce H. Lipton – who wrote the bestseller “The Biology of Belief” and was a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, – and Dr. Nader Butto – an internationally renowned cardiologist who developed the Unified Integrative Medicine method.From the first moment they met, the spark of love between them ignited, which is why we decided to call their first inspiring meeting – Brothers of Love 💗
Wellness by Design Podcast
Did you know that chronic pain is a result of subconscious beliefs? Join Jane Hogan and Dr. Bruce Lipton, to learn why your subconscious mind is behind your pain and how to reprogram the subconscious mind.
Pure and Healthy Magazine (Spanish)
Qué es la epigenética y por qué es extremadamente importante para nuestra salud óptima?
LA BIOLOGIE DES CROYANCES – Métamorphose Podcast
For our French speaking community! Écouter sur YouTube