Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives & Seekers Everywhere,
Competition Versus Cooperation in Times of Planetary Chaos
We are living in a world shaped by Darwinian Evolution theory. A theory that is commonly reduced to: “Survival of the fittest in the struggle for life.” The struggle aspect is related to the widely accepted notion propagated by Philosopher Thomas Malthus that animal populations reproduce at a rate more than twice as much as plants. Consequence: there will be more animals than food, hence the “struggle” to survive. In today’s world, a Darwinian culture based on competition contributes to violence, war, and the breakdown of civilization.
How’s Darwinian theory working out for us? Well, 1% of the population has the wealth (the fittest???) and 99% struggle to survive while supporting the 1% at the top. The planetary chaos we are experiencing is a direct consequence of Darwinian competition in a world facing an evolutionary upheaval.
Guess what … Darwinian evolution theory is WRONG! Evolution is NOT based on genetic control and competition as the theory suggests. In fact, the most valid insight into the nature of evolution was predicted in the first scientific theory of evolution, published fifty years before Darwin’s theory, by French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck In describing the mechanism by which evolution occurs, the “how” of the process, Lamarck emphasized a profoundly important observation: plants and animals are designed to fit the environment in which they live. Polar bears are not in Africa and roses are not in the arctic.
Lamarck predicted that evolution was based on an interactive “dialogue” between the organism and its environment. Lamarckian theory is driven by a process of adaptation to the environment. In contrast, Darwinian theory is driven by random (accidental) mutations followed by natural selection (Nature selects the fittest of the mutated organisms and eliminates the weakest). Lamarck’s theory emphasizes evolution based on “cooperation,” which is in direct contrast to the Darwinian emphasis on “competition.”
Epigenetics provides the scientific foundation for Lamarckian Theory, for it reveals the mechanism by which environmental signals shape gene expression. An epigenetic response to a healthy environment activates genes and behaviors manifesting a health biology. In contrast, an unhealthy environment engages genes and behaviors that generate a life-threatening stress response.
Therein lies the problem: Human behavior has destabilized Nature and precipitated a life-threatening collapse of the web of life. In response, epigenetic mechanisms direct the body’s systems to engage protection behaviors to survive the environment’s destabilization. The public’s reaction to today’s environmental stressors has precipitated a global healthcare crisis.
Well, thank goodness … here is the GOOD NEWS! The body does not directly respond to the environmental signals derived from the outer world. It is the environment within the body that epigenetically controls the genetics and behavior of the body’s cells and organs. The body’s internal environment is controlled by the mind’s “interpretation” of that outer world environment. This awareness is in perfect agreement with the principles of the most valid of all the sciences, Quantum Physics. This science recognizes “consciousness” as the creator of our reality. Epigenetics is a biologic parallel to quantum physics in that it illuminates the mechanism by which “consciousness” controls genes and behaviors in manifesting our reality.
Today’s planetary chaos is a direct consequence of facing a civilization-induced evolutionary upheaval. Threats to survival engage the stress-response, which shuts down the body’s growth and maintenance functions, as well as inhibiting the immune system, to conserve energy for an anticipated life-sustaining fight or flight response. Consequently, the elevated stress chemistry within the body is directly responsible for over 90% of today’s healthcare crisis. It’s all a matter of perception.
One of the most important insights to successfully navigate today’s chaos is provided in the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
The significance of this prayer is in reference to the fact that ENERGY is life and behavior is empowered by using the body’s energy reserves. As the prayer emphasizes, we must not waste life-providing energy on empowering behaviors to change things we cannot change. It is necessary to conserve energy to support behaviors that can directly enhance the wellbeing in our lives. Consciously budgeting the energy reserves in our body is the same as budgeting money in our bank account… both are needed to fund the behaviors that will enhance our health, happiness, and the quality of our lives.
In this season of New Year’s resolutions, perhaps it is a good time to review our behavioral energy expenditures and adjust the budget to fund those behaviors that will enhance the quality of our lives.
With Peace, Love, and wishes for your Personal Empowerment,
Upcoming Events
At this time we are planning for these events to occur and will notify you if there’s a change in schedule.
Open Hearts, Resilient Spirit: Fusing Science and Soul for Enduring Transformation
The Biology of Personal Empowerment
The Honeymoon Effect: Create Heaven on Earth
Mind over Genes – Evening Seminar
Spontaneous Evolution – Full Day Workshop
Conscious Evolution: Healing Ourselves, Healing our Planet
Bruce Lipton in Greece
Bruce’s Spotlight
Years of lecturing around this beautiful planet have provided me an opportunity to encounter wonderful Cultural Creatives that are helping to bring harmony into the world. Each month, I want to honor these cultural creatives by sharing with you the gifts they have shared with me.
Willie Nelson needs no introduction, but I had to share his song, “Energy Follows Thought”….it speaks directly to the Biology of Belief! Enjoy! Listen here
Featuring Bruce
Thrive State Summit
Join this 4-day virtual summit, where top health experts will share insights and strategies to help you reach optimal health and well-being.
Can you imagine a life where you’re not just surviving but thriving? Claim your pass now, and step into the Thrive State! Starting February 1st. For Details: Click here
Love Heals Film
Enjoy a free screening of Love Heals from January 25-31st.
Here is the direct link to Watch starting January 25th. Free tickets are available as of today! For Access: Click here
Bruce Recommends
World Sound Healing Day 2024
Join tens of thousands of people throughout the planet as they join together on February 14, 2024 for the 21st Annual World Sound Healing Day. This is a day to send a “Sonic Valentine” to the Gaia Matrix—the field of consciousness of our planet Earth
World Sound Healing Day is a time when thousands of people throughout our planet create sounds filled with gratitude and love and project them onto Mother Earth in order to raise the vibrations of all living beings in love and light through Sound. This sound can be a tone, music, song, poem, even silent sound—as long as it is created with the intention of compassion and love and healing, and the sounds will resonate with all others to create a powerful shift in planetary consciousness on February 14, 2024.
Science has validated what the spiritual traditions have known for millennia—that through the power of prayer and meditation we can literally interface with the field of the Gaia Matrix—Our Mother Earth. Data that shows events of high compassion are measurable and indicate significant positive global changes Intentionalized sound as created by participants of World Sound Healing Day is quantum in nature and has the ability to interface with the very field of our planet. By adding the element of intentionalized sound, we can enhance and amplify this extraordinary power and help co-create a new reality of being—being in a state of Oneness—kindness and compassion.
The Healing Power of Cancer
In January 2013, author and musician Rob Prior experienced his worst nightmare when he was diagnosed with late Stage 3 cancer. The CT-scans showed he had a 6.5cm tumour in his right kidney. As if that wasn’t bad enough, his liver was seriously damaged and he was on death’s doorstep.
Combining his scientific background and intuition, he pieced together the jigsaw puzzle and came to the conclusion that the human body is an extraordinary self-healing organism.
The Healing Power of Cancer is an inspiring blow-by-blow account of how Rob cured himself of cancer without surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy in 2013.
Become a Member
Join today for the next Membership Call, happening Saturday February 24th at 9:00am PDT and get exclusive access to the audio and video resources in the Bruce Lipton Archive – featuring over 30 years of cutting-edge research and teaching. Plus, when you join you’ll have the chance to ask your questions and hear Bruce LIVE on our Monthly Member Webinars. Learn more about membership.