The Biology of Belief book is now available in Porteguese by Butterfly Editora Ltda in Brazil. The following interview was done with Mônica Tarantino & Eduardo Araia for Planeta Magazine, May 2008. For the Porteguese translation, see Entrevista, Edição 428 – Maio/2008, at
20 In fact, how do I know whether I have any control of my genes or not?
Recent research on identical twins showed how their lives changed their genetic read-out. When a sperm and egg come together at conception, the new fertilized cell has two complete sets of genes, one from the mother and one from the father. Most of the traits in the body only use one of the two genes for each trait provided by the two parents. When born, the genes selected in each identical twin’s genome were about the same. However, as the siblings grow up and have different life experiences they end up selecting different gene combinations. Overtime, their life experiences lead to each having a unique gene profile different from their identical twin. This is simple proof of how life experiences lead to changes in gene activity.
21 You say that our genes are a kind of blueprint. And, more impressive, that they will be rewritten. How?
As mentioned above, genes are linear molecular blueprints; the sequence of DNA bases (also known as A, T, C and G, standing for adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanosine) represents the “genetic code.” The sequence of the code is used in assembling a “string” of amino acids that form the backbone of a protein molecule. Different amino acid sequences make different shaped protein molecules. The shapes of the building block proteins are important in assembling the structure of the cell and for generating movements that create the cell’s functions.
The DNA is a linear code. However, epigenetic mechanisms can cut the code up into pieces and reassemble them in a variety of ways. So that a single gene blueprint can be used to make 30,000 different versions of proteins. This means we can rewrite a healthy gene code and create a mutated protein product, OR, we can rewrite a mutant genetic code and create a normal protein product. Through epigentic mechanisms we actively participate with our own gene activity. Unfortunately, we have been doing this all our lives, but we did not know we were doing it…and in the absence of that knowledge, we have not been aware that our lifestyle, thoughts, and emotions have been influencing our genetics.
22 Is it possible to reshape our deepest thoughts?
Absolutely! The problem is we did not understand the way our minds work. We have two minds, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the one we associate with our personal identity, it is the thinking, reasoning mind. The subconscious mind, as the name implies, operates with out supervision of the conscious mind, it is the “automatic mind.” If the beliefs in the subconscious mind conflict with the desires of the conscious mind…which one will win out? The answer is clearly the subconscious mind, for it is one million times more powerful an information processor than the conscious mind, and as neuroscientists reveal, it operates about 95% of the time.
We used to think that if the conscious mind became aware of our issues, it would automatically correct any negative programs downloaded in our subconscious mind. This is why people have a tendency to “talk to themselves” with the hope of changing limiting subconscious programs. Unfortunately, this does not work. The reason, the subconscious mind is like a tape player, it records behavior and at the push of a button, the program will replay over and over again (habits). The problem is there is no “entity” in the subconscious mind that “listens” to what the conscious mind wants! It is simply a tape recorder. One can consciously change the subconscious mind’s programs, but not by talking to or reasoning with it.
There are three ways that are very effective in changing old, limiting or sabotaging beliefs in the subconscious mind: Buddhist mindfulness, clinical hypnotherapy and an exciting new healing modality frequently called “energy psychology.” Discussions of these different programming methods are available in the Resource section on my website (
23 Have you seen this situation in your life? Could you give us an example?
I first started writing my book in 1992 and over 15 years I had started and restarted the book several times, going half way into the story each time before I hit a wall, writers block, and I couldn’t go on. I later found that my subconscious mind was in fear of completing the project because I felt my life (career) would be threatened if I published a book that my conventional colleagues would consider as heretical.
Once I found the subconscious program that was sabotaging writing, I “reprogrammed” my subconscious mind with the belief that it would be safe to write this the book and that the writing process itself would be fun, easy and fast. Within three months the book was in final form and on its way to press.
My partner Margaret and I programmed our subconscious minds so that we would, in fairytale fashion, “live happily ever after…on an eternal honeymoon.” Though it’s not yet “ever after,” we have been on a continuous honeymoon for twelve years and that’s just the beginning!
24 And if the positive thoughts don’t work with me, what does it mean? Am I “maladjusted”? A helpless mind?
As described above, there are two minds, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the seat of your personal identity, desires, wishes and aspirations; it is the “thinking” rational mind. When you are generating “positive thoughts,” you are using the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind is a database of learned “habits,” which are downloaded with primary beliefs beginning midway through gestation and for the first six years of life. The subconscious mind is one million times more powerful in processing information than the conscious mind. Also the subconscious mind controls our behavior about 95% of the time.
If the beliefs in programmed subconscious mind do not support the desires of the positive thoughts…which mind will “win”? Do the math, the subconscious mind is 1,000,000X more powerful and operates 95% of the time. Positive thoughts will not work for most people because the beliefs programmed into their subconscious mind will limit or sabotage the goal of the conscious mind’s positive thoughts. Positive thinking really works when the desired objective is supported by both the intentions of the conscious mind and the programs in the subconscious mind.
If a person is unaware of the dual nature of their mind and the fact that the subconscious mind is more powerful, the failure to get results from positive thinking is often quite frustrating and sometimes psychologically damaging.
25 Could you give us some advice on how to control our health beyond our emotions and genes?
The most important advice I feel I can offer is to check-in with the beliefs that are held in your subconscious mind, for those behavioral programs shape your health and the character of your life. Since the most fundamental of those programs were downloaded into our subconscious mind before six, we really have no conscious awareness of the nature of many of these programs…many of which may be self-sabotaging or limiting and preventing us from experiencing the life we desire.
26 Are the schools teaching your discoveries?
Firstly, they are not really “my” discoveries! I am just one pioneer among many others who are revising the scientific principles we have grown up with. There are now many younger scientists that are forging a wider path into the realms of the “new biology.”
Some of the new insights, especially regarding epigenetics are just now beginning to show up in regular schools. However, the information about energy vibrations and health, as well as the important role of the subconscious and conscious minds is not yet being offered to the public. Conventional textbooks are usually from 10 to 15 years behind the leading edge of science, so the schools do not yet have the new sciences incorporated in their curriculum.
27 What did you mean with this statement: a human organism is not a singular individual, it is in reality, a “community”?
When we look into a mirror we usually recognize the image as our self, a single living human entity. But this is a misperception, because in truth the cells are the living entities. An individual human is actually close-knit community of approximately 50 trillion cells. Every cell is intelligent and can survive outside of your body by living and growing in a tissue culture dish.
However, when in the body, each cell is becomes an integral part of a community, working with the other cells that share the common vision of the community. The nervous system acts as a government that controls and coordinates the functions of the body’s cells. When the mind serves as a “good” government, the cellular community is in harmony and expresses health. If the mind is confused, angered, in fear or disturbed, it can destroy the harmony of the cellular community and lead to dis-ease or even death.
Just remember, your thoughts are sent to the body’s cells via neuro-chemicals and nerve transmission. If you are harsh on yourself, it’s your cells that are the ones that physically feel the brunt of your anger. Cell’s are generally very loyal, to the extent that if you so wish it, they will actually commit suicide (apoptosis in the cellular world). Positive and negative thoughts shape your biology, for your mind is actually “governing” 50 trillion cells.
28 In what ways is a human cell a unit of perception and what kinds of beliefs influence this model?
Cells are in fact, “miniature” people, for cells and humans have all the same systems (e.g., digestive, respiratory, reproductive, nervous and immune systems). Each cell, like every human, has receptors built into its skin so it can become aware of (perceive) the environment. Cells have receptor molecules built into their skin (cell membrane) that act in the same manner as receptors built into our skin-our eyes, ears, nose, taste and touch receptors.
Therefore cells live in their “world” in much the same manner as we live in our “world.” Cells have perceptions of their environment and are very aware as to what is going on in their massive, trillion-celled community. However, they receive broadcasts from the “government,” the mind, about the conditions of the world and the needs and demands upon the cellular community. Therefore if we have fears about life, then every one of our cells is reading our fear experience via the chemistry and electromagnetic vibrations sent throughout the body. When we are happy our cells are happy. Our beliefs are broadcast to, and shared with, all of our cellular citizens. In their own biochemistry, cells have chemical/vibrational experiences that we would sense as rage, anger, love, and bliss. Your cells experience the same life you experience!
29 Do our cells react to bad energies in a room, for example? Or to thoughts from another person?
Actually, our brain responds to the energy vibrations that constitute the field. The brain easily detects harmonious and disharmonious energies in the field…when it does, it sends out chemistry to control the body’s functions. We experience the chemical information sent to our cells by the brain as “good and bad vibes.” There are now many published scientific experiments that reveal people can be physiologically connected and respond to others via thoughts and meditation techniques. Quantum biophysics is the field of study that is providing a scientific foundation for the principles of energy medicine that have been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years (e.g., acupuncture, feng shui and chi exercises).
30 Almost all of us have bad thoughts sometimes. Do you have them, too?
Not so much now! Ever since I started rewriting my subconscious programs, I have had a better life and that is directly associated with having better thoughts and beliefs. I know that “bad” things happen in this world, but I try not to dwell on them because I know that my beliefs and thoughts are actually influencing my life experiences. One of the important lessons of the new science is that we are continuously participating in the creation of our own life experiences. The joy for me is that upon exercising that understanding, I have created a most beautiful and lovely life experience for the last twenty years…and I don’t think that is an “accident.”
31 What are you researching now?
Currently, I am translating the awareness offered by the 50 trillion-celled communities (a human body) that have successfully been living on this planet for over a million years. Cells are miniature people and their social rules and customs can be directly applied to human civilization. My new book, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here, co-authored with Steve Bhaerman, focuses upon the fact that our global crises are pushing human civilization to evolve…or go extinct. The book is based upon a study of how 50 trillion cellular citizens can work in harmony and health, and that all can experience a life of bliss.
32 How do you connect the Darwinian science with the destruction of our environment? Could you explain it?
Darwinian science has two environmentally destructive components: 1) The belief that we arose from random mutations is a negative belief because it implies that there was no “reason” for the existence of any species, including ourselves. This kind of thinking separates us from all the other organisms in the biosphere. This belief is destructive because it separates us from Nature and in truth we are an integral part of Nature. We and every other organism were created to maintain an ecological balance in the environment…and in our ignorance we have actually been destroying the environment that provides for our existence.
Secondly, Darwinian theory has provided us with the perception that life is a continuous series of violent competitions for survival. With its apocalyptic vision, Darwinian theory has the world and its inhabitants in constant chaos and life-threatening competition. However, new insights now reveal that evolution is not based upon competition it is based upon cooperation. So we must let go of the Darwinian vision of struggle, for it conflicts with an evolution that emphasizes harmony and community. Global Humanity is a single organism comprised of billions of human “cells” trying to learn how to live in harmony before we all go extinct.
33 You say that we need to be able to guide our stem cells to renew our lives. And improve our lifespan to 120-140 years. Is it the dream of the fountain of youth? How can we do that?
Recent research on organisms exhibiting greater longevity than others in their species have revealed that almost all of these long-lived individuals had gene mutations that affected their insulin pathways and reduced their ability to digest food. When scientists did experiments in which regular animals were given subsistence-level diets (greatly reduced amount of food), they found that they could almost double the life span of every type of organism studied. These tests are now being applied to humans.
It appears that in digesting food, the process creates toxins (free-radicals) that poison our systems and shorten our lives. The interesting point is that when humans evolved there were no supermarkets, our ancestors did not have much food…and they were healthier for it. Today, in the face of technology and industrial farming we have the opportunity of over-eating and taxing our systems. Unfortunately, we have become “habituated” to eating too much, so that when portions are reduced, people psychologically feel they are not getting enough. We have to change our programming about food and then we will have the opportunity to double our life spans.
34 How long do you expect to live? What do you do in order to achieve that?
I have never really focused upon “how long” I will live. However, my research has emphasized that it would be better to pay attention to having the best life experiences I can while I am still alive. Live everyday to the fullest and there will be no regrets later!