The Biology of Belief book is now available in Porteguese by Butterfly Editora Ltda in Brazil. The following interview was done with Mônica Tarantino & Eduardo Araia for Planeta Magazine, May 2008. For the Porteguese translation, see Entrevista, Edição 428 – Maio/2008, at
Who is in charge in our body?
During the first few weeks of embryonic development the genes are primarily controlling the unfolding of the body plan of a human (e.g., creating two arms, two legs, ten fingers and ten toes, etc.). Once the embryo takes on the shape of a human, it is called a fetus. In the fetal stage of development, the genes take a back seat to control by environmental information. During this period the fetal body’s structure and function are adjusted in response to the mother’s perception of the environment. Maternal hormones, growth factors and emotional chemistry controlling the mother’s biological response to the environment pass through the placenta and influence the genetics and behavioral programming of the fetus.
I refer to this period where the mother’s perception and interpretation of the world are relayed to the fetus via the chemistry of the mother’s blood as “Nature’s Head-Start Program.” This maternally-relayed “information” about environmental conditions allows the developing fetus to adjust its biology so that when it is born, it’s structure and physiology will be more in tune with the world in which the child will live.
The “reading” of the environment’s signals (in the womb and after birth) enables the body’s cells and their genes to make appropriate biological adjustments to support and sustain life. Since the environmental signals are read and interpreted by the mind’s “perceptions,” the mind becomes the primary force that ultimately shapes an individual’s life and health.
Please, talk about how the energy impacts cells. Could you describe this mechanism?
Using conventional human senses (e.g., sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, etc.) we have come to perceive the world in which we live in terms of physical and non-physical reality. For example, apples are physical matter and television broadcasts are in the realm of energy waves. Around 1925, physicists adopted a new view of the physical reality that has become known as quantum mechanics.
Originally, science thought that atoms were made up of smaller particles of matter (electrons, neutrons, and protons), however modern physicists found that these subatomic particles were actually immaterial energy vortices (resembling nano-scaled tornados). In truth, atoms are made out of energy and not physical matter. So everything that we thought was physical matter is in reality made up of focused energy waves or vibrations.
Therefore the whole Universe is actually made out of energy, and what we perceive as matter is also energy. The collective energy waves of the Universe, which might be referred to as “invisible moving forces,” comprise the field (for more information see Lynne MacTaggart’s book, The Field).
While quantum physics recognizes the energetic nature of the Universe, biology has never really incorporated the role of invisible moving forces in its understanding of life. Biology still perceives of the world in terms of Newtonian physical molecules, pieces of matter that assemble like locks and keys. Biochemistry emphasizes that life functions result from the binding of physical chemicals similar to an image of puzzle pieces plugging into each other.
Such a belief insists that if we want to change the operation of the biological machine then we must change its chemistry. This belief system emphasizing “chemistry” leads to a healing modality that focuses upon the use of drugs…allopathic medicine. However, conventional medicine is no longer scientific in that it still emphasizes the Newtonian idea of a mechanistic world and does not recognize the role of the invisible moving forces that comprise the world of quantum mechanics.
In physics there is an understanding that if two things have the same energy vibrations, they share “harmonic resonance,” meaning that when one vibrates it causes the other to vibrate. For example, when a vocalist can sing the right note, one in tune with the atoms in a crystal goblet, their voice (vibration) can cause the goblet to shatter. The energy of the voice combines with the energy of the goblet’s atoms and the two energies become so powerful together, it causes the goblet’s atoms to fly apart and break the glass.
Some energies when added together become constructive, that is the two energies are summed together producing a more powerful vibratory energy. However, two energy waves can interact and cancel each other out, so when combined, the power of the combined energies become 0. In humans, when energies are constructive and give more power, we actually physically experience these energies “good vibes.” However, when two energies cancel each other out, we experience this energetically weakened state as “bad vibes.”
Microwave oven energy vibrations “harmonically resonant” to certain food molecules cause them to move faster which results in food getting hot. Noise canceling earphones (e.g., made by Bose company) generate vibrational frequencies that are “destructive” (out of phase) to ambient noise frequencies and this causes the background sounds to be cancelled-out and the sound disappears. Biologists are now finding that biological functions and molecules can be controlled using harmonic vibratory frequencies, including light and sound vibrations.
It is nececessary that biology incorporate an understanding of energetics and energy fields, because energy waves profoundly influence matter. A great quote by Albert Einstein states: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” Einstein is saying that the invisible forces (the field) are responsible for shaping the material world (the particle). To understand the character of a person’s body or health, one must consider the role of the invisible energetic field as a primary influence. The problem is that conventional medicine has not really acknowledged that the field even exists, although the “influence of invisible moving forces” has been demonstrated in published scientific articles for over fifty years.
The conventional model of medicine based upon Newtonian physics has provided for miracles such as heart transplants and reconstructive surgeries. However, conventional allopathic medical sciences do not know how cells actually work and are still inappropriately emphasizing the role of genes in controlling our lives and health issues. Biomedicine is still steeped in a mechanistic, material universe. Medical science focuses its attention on the physical body and material world and have completely ignored the role quantum mechanics.
Once medicine starts to understand and acknowledge the influences of energy fields as important, influential determinants, they will then have a more realistic picture of how life works. Simply stated, conventional medicine alone is not truly scientific in that it does not invoke the Universe mechanisms recognized by quantum physics.
How does the power of energy fields control the body’s biochemistry?
The functions of the body are derived from the movement of molecules (primarily proteins). Molecules change shape (they move!) in response to environmental electromagnetic charges. Physical influences such as hormones, growth factors, food molecules and drugs can provide these movement-inducing electrical charges. However, harmonically resonant vibrational energy fields can also cause molecules to change shape and activate their functions. Chemicals can activate protein enzymes in a test tube and the same proteins can be activated using electromagnetic frequencies including light waves.
The problem lies in the fact that conventional biology does not emphasize the physics of quantum energy fields in understanding the mechanics of the cell. Therefore when the topic of “energy” healing is discussed, conventional science ignores it as irrelevant because it is not in their textbooks. Unfortunately for conventional medicine, the newer scientific insights into how molecules move and generate life are recognizing the powerful role of energy fields in shaping the structure and behavior of matter, factors that control life.
Do the biologists who believe in evolutional theory refuse the idea of powerful energy fields?
Conventional evolution theory is based upon the fact that genetic mutations are random events (accidents) that are not connected to the conditions of the environment. Therefore, evolution theory does not consider either the physical environment or the energetic environment as relevant in shaping genetic mutations. However, the notion of accidental mutations as the source of evolutionary diversity is giving way to an understanding that cells can generate what are called adaptive, directed or beneficial mutations wherein organismal interactions with their environment play an active role in shaping the cell’s genome.
Once the mutation event occurs (random or adaptive), conventional science then emphasizes the role of the environment as the selection factor in weeding out organisms with dysfunctional mutations from those with beneficial mutations. This is referred to as natural selection. However, only the physical environment is considered in this selection process, consequently science does not factor in the role of the invisible energy fields as a contributing element in “selecting” or influencing the survival of organisms.
Could you describe the cells reactions above stimuli?
Discussed in second and third questions above.
1Can you explain how the cells respond to energy patterns and in what ways it relates to quantum physics? Before, could you define quantum physics?
As described above, quantum physics is the newer science of how the universe “works,” and it is based upon the whole Universe being a creation made out of energy. In contrast, the outdated version of how the Universe worked, Newtonian physics, emphasized the role of matter as separate from energy.
In the old Newtonian physics version of life, cells are made out of pieces of matter (molecules) and could only be influenced by other pieces of matter (molecules such as hormones or drugs). The newer insights on molecules offered by quantum physics reveals that molecules are units of vibrating energy that can be influenced by both matter and invisible energy waves (harmonic resonance). Constructive interference (i.e., good vibes) and destructive interference (i.e., bad vibes) can control the movements of protein molecules.
Since life is derived from the movement of protein molecules, then it’s understandable how energy fields influence life by causing molecules to change shape.
Your work concludes that evolution is based upon fractal geometry. Could you explain these ideas to a 14-year-old boy? If he understands, I will, too.
Understanding the definition of geometry explains why this math is important for studying the structure of our environment and biosphere. Geometry is the math that describes “the way the different parts of something fit together in relation to each other.” Geometry is the math of how to put structure into space. Until 1975, the only geometry we studied was Euclidian geometry, which is easy to understand because it deals with structures like cubes, spheres and cones that can be mapped on graph paper.
However, Euclidian geometry does not apply to Nature. In Nature, most structures display irregular and chaotic-appearing patterns. These natural structures can only be created by using the recently discovered math called fractal geometry. The mathematics of fractals is amazingly simple because you need only one equation, using only simple multiplication and addition. When the equation is solved, the result is put back into the original equation and the equation is solved again. This process can be repeated an infinite number of times.
Inherent in the geometry of fractals is the creation of ever-repeating, “self-similar” patterns nested within one another. You can get a rough idea of “repeating shapes” by picturing the popular toy, hand-painted Russian nesting dolls. Each smaller doll (structure) is a miniature, but not necessarily an exact version of the larger doll (form). This new math is the science behind the old saying, “As above, so below.”
In a fractal Nature, the appearances of structures at any level of organization are “self-similar” to the structures found in higher or lower levels of organization. Therefore a fractal understanding of the organization at one level is applicable to understanding an organization at another level. When applied to the new biology, this new math reveals that a cell, a human and human civilization are “self-similar” images at different levels of organization. So by studying a cell, one can learn about a human. By studying the community of cells in a human body, one can learn the nature of forming a successful community of humans that form the larger organism, humanity.
Perhaps we will find the answers for saving civilization through a study of the very successful cellular civilizations beneath our skin
Are there any scientists following these ideas? Who?
Every week the current scientific journals are publishing exciting new research on the topics emphasized in the “new biology.” One of the new stars in the science of epigenetics is Randy Jirtle (Duke University in Durham, N.C,USA) who is providing amazing experiments on using epigenetic control mechanisms to reverse genetic mutations. Dr Andrew Weil from the University of Arizona is a leading physician in complementary medicine.
If genes or DNA do not control our body, what is their function?
There are about 23,000 “conventional” genes that are actually molecular “blueprints” used in making proteins, the molecular building blocks of the cell and the human body. A second type of gene is called a “regulatory” gene whose function is to “control” the activity of other genes.
The problem that science encountered with the results of the Human Genome Project is that the body has over 100,000 different proteins and since each protein needs a gene as a blueprint for its construction, it was believed that the human genome would have over 100,000 genes. Unfortunately, the results of the Genome Project revealed that there were only 23,000 genes. This finding pulled the rug out from conventional science’s belief in genetic control…for there were too many “missing” genes.
The old belief in genetic control is now giving way to the new science of epigenetic control (epi- in Latin means above, so epigenetic control literally reads as “control above the genes”). Epigenetic control mechanisms connect environmental signals (what’s going on in the world) with the control of gene activity. Epigenetic mechanisms turn gene activity on or off and they also control how much protein will be made from each gene. More amazingly, epigenetic mechanisms can be used to create over 30,000 different variations of protein molecules from an average gene.
Meaning: Genes are potentials that are selected and shaped by epigenetic mechanisms that are responding to environmental signals. Genes are “blueprints” for the body’s construction and epigenetic mechanisms resemble a contractor that can select and modify the gene blueprints to fit the perceived needs of the body.
How can your ideas influence our everyday life? What could or should believing that genes do not govern our bodies – but are governed by our mind instead – change in our routine?
In biology education, from elementary school through introductory college biology courses, students get an incomplete understanding of how life works. Most people are educated with the belief that genes “control” life. This incorrect idea is consistently repeated in newspaper and magazine stories about the discovery of genes claimed to control this trait or that disease. From their abbreviated education, most people believe that their fate is programmed in their genes. This belief is especially strong when a person realizes that cancer, heart failure or some other disease “runs” in their family.
Since we didn’t pick our genes, and since we cannot change them, we buy into the assumption that we are “victims” of heredity. Realizing that we are stuck with our genes and that we can’t do anything about them, most people resign to the belief that they are powerless in controlling their lives. Because of this belief, people become irresponsible when it comes to matters of their own health. They think, “If I can’t do anything about it anyway…why should I care.”
The new science reveals that our thoughts actively shape our genetics. This understanding is not new; it is precisely the foundation for the placebo effect. This effect is expressed when a person’s belief leads to a healing even though they have been given an inert sugar pill. Medicine recognizes that one third of all healings are the result of the mind acting through the placebo effect. The best example of the placebo effect is Prozac, which in laboratory tests was shown to be no more effective than a sugar pill. That’s a billion dollars of profit for the pharmaceutical companies from a drug that was no more effective than a placebo.
However, most people are unaware of the equally powerful but opposite effect known as the nocebo effect. The nocebo effect represents the consequences of bad or negative thoughts that can create disease or even kill. Science has already owned the mind’s role in healing, but there is no extensive research on the placebo and nocebo effects primarily because there is no money to be made by the pharmaceutical companies if people used their minds to heal themselves instead of using drugs.
If people were encouraged to use the placebo effect for healing, we could immediately reduce healthcare expenses by one third. This is the power of the placebo effect’s influence and yet science has not even studied this effect. Imagine if we understood how to enhance the placebo effect, it is likely that we could easily reduce healthcare costs by more than 50% without doing anything more than changing our thinking!
Do you believe that we can avoid diseases like depression, diabetes or dementia if we send positive messages to our cells? How?
Only about 5% of human diseases are related to inborn genetic defects (also known as birth defects), this means that 95% of us were born with an adequate genome to have a healthy happy life. For those of us in the latter category that end up with health issues, the question is why are we having problems with our lives or health? It is now recognized that life style is the cause of over 90% of heart disease, over 60% of cancer and maybe all of Type II diabetes (see for video of how changing life style “cures” diabetes!!!!). The more we look, the more we see how our emotions, reactions to life, our fears, our poor diets, lack of exercise and excessive stress shapes our lives.
The importance of all this is that we DO have significant control over our biology, and with our intentions, we can “reprogram” our health and our lives. Medicine seeks “cures” but does not really emphasize “prevention.” If we were truly trained to know how our biology works, people would have the opportunity to influence their health and this would be the best preventative for disease. The public is programmed to see themselves as victims, yet we are truly powerful enough to control our health.
The problem with the notion of positive thinking as a cure for our ills is that the idea is truly misleading…positive thinking alone cannot get us to our wishes. The primary reason for the failure of positive thinking is that the programs operating from our subconscious minds, not from our “thinking” conscious minds, primarily control our lives. Unfortunately, as the name implies, the subconscious mind operates without observation by the conscious mind. In fact, the subconscious mind is essentially independent of the conscious mind.
We are now aware that most of the fundamental programs and “beliefs” stored in the subconscious mind were acquired before six years of age at which time the brain starts expressing alpha EEG waves associated with conscious activity. Therefore most of the subconscious mind’s programming occurred while we were not even expressing conscious awareness. Psychologists reveal that many of our developmental experiences actually result in the programming of limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs in the subconscious mind.
The problem is further exacerbated by the fact that over 95% of our life is controlled by the invisible (i.e., generally not observed) programs stored in the subconscious mind. So while we may exercise wonderful positive healing thoughts with our conscious mind, our unconscious mind’s programs and beliefs are actually shaping our lives. The problem lies in the fact that the behaviors programmed into the subconscious mind, before age six, were directly downloaded by observing others such as our parents, family and community.
Therefore the programs that control most of our cognitive activity (those from the subconscious mind) are actually those derived from others. The problem is that their behaviors may not in any way support the wishes, intentions and desires that we hold in our conscious mind. Since the subconscious mind essentially runs the show, we inevitably find conflict in trying to obtain the desires of our personal conscious mind (and this applies to the issue of positive thinking and why it frequently does not work).