The subconscious controls our nervous system. Either you’re controlling your consciousness, or it’s on autopilot (the subconscious). Here’s how it can play out: suppose you were close to a friend, and you know your friend’s behavior; and you also happen to know your friend’s parent. At some point you recognize that your friend shares some of the same behavior as their parent. Then you say something simple like, ‘Hey, you know Bill; you’re just like your Dad.’ But then you have to back away from Bill because he goes ballistic: “How can you compare me to my Dad?!”
So, just as much as Bill says “How can you compare me to my Father?” (When you obviously see that Bill is behaving exactly like his Father), we have to recognize that there is no difference for us. We are doing exactly the same thing. And just like Bill, we don’t see it, either. This is what is at play 95% of the time (subconscious on autopilot).
When your life doesn’t necessarily work out the way you wanted it to and you don’t see that you are participating in that problem; you perceive yourself as a victim. If everybody considers themselves victims and looks at the outside world as the source of the problem, then we end up with the world we have right now. If you don’t see that you are sabotaging yourself, then you cannot get out of the loop you keep playing. Since people are totally unaware that they are causal (creating the situation they are participating in), they have no idea that they had anything to do with what happened to them. In similar cases to Bill’s, the behavior that they are choosing to engage in, sabotages them and comes from the subconscious, below the conscious level. And this is the biggest problem in the world because everyone walks around like Bill saying “The Universe is against me!”— and, no it isn’t!