Before you answer that question, realize that there are two separate minds creating the body’s controlling ‘central voice.’ The (self) conscious mind is the thinking you, it is creative and expresses free will. Its supporting partner is the subconscious mind, a database of reflexes and learned perceptions. Though some of its programs are derived from genetics (instincts, nature), the vast majority are acquired through our developmental learning experiences (nurture).
Also the perceptions of life we hold in our minds control our growth and protection behaviors. The mind resembles the driver of a vehicle. With good driving skills, a vehicle can be maintained and provide good performance throughout its life. Bad driving skills generate most of the wrecks that litter the roadside or fill our junkyards. Employing good “driving skills” in managing our behaviors and in dealing with our emotions and perceived stresses should offer a healthy, happy and productive life. In contrast, inappropriate behaviors and dysfunctional emotional management, like a bad driver, stresses cellular ‘vehicles’ and interferes with performance and provokes a breakdown.
So what kind of driver are you?