May 2010 Dear Imaginal Cells and Cultural Creatives, When May “Comes In Like a Lion, It Leaves Like a …” Crisis ignites evolution. The challenges and crises the world faces today are actually signs that change is imminent… We are about to face facing our evolution.
Two questions: “Do you think it is a good idea to have an emergency kit in your house and in your car?” And, “Do you have an emergency kit in your house and in your car?”
While I cannot guess your answers to these questions, simple logic offers some insight as to what might be appropriate answers.
The preparedness of having an emergency kit implies that we perceive that a chance of an accident or some disruptive event is considered to be a real possibility. However, the answer further depends on what the probability is of that event occurring? If I drive a 1,000 miles a year, there may be far less chance of being in an accident, and therefore a lesser need for an emergency kit, than if I drive a 100,000 miles per year. In the latter case, an emergency kit in the car would make good sense. Probability dictates the need for being prepared.
A second and equally important point to consider is the cost of being prepared. For example, a useful emergency kit containing a selection of aids that may make a life or death difference in the event of an accident may only cost about $50. However, if you felt that a CAT scanner was a requirement for your safety preparedness, the cost of that emergency kit would be $1,000,050. Obviously, I wouldn’t be carrying such a “kit” in my car, although, if enough neighbors (community) were like-minded about the need for the scanner, we could contribute to creating a central facility.
A third point of consideration, can we afford to invest resources needed for life on purchasing something that has a low probability of being used? If I am down and out, spending $50 for an emergency kit might be classified as a luxury item when I am struggling with buying food.
In the end, the final decision on investing in an emergency plan comes down to whether the investment compromises your immediate survival. This calculation is based upon how much energy you have to invest and the perceived probability of an event occurring.
Probability Alert Probability Alert Probability Alert
The reason I am going on about the idea of an “emergency kit,” is that conditions are leading to an almost inevitable global upheaval. With a little bit of preparedness, you will not only weather the storm, but you will be able to fulfill your destiny as Imaginal Cells shaping the evolution of Humanity. With hopes that the following stimulates some personal insights and actions:
Science acknowledges that we are experiencing the sixth mass extinction of life on this planet. A primary factor contributing to the upheaval is human behavior. Civilization has created a massive ecological catastrophe through such behaviors as: clear-cutting rain forests, diverting water from rivers and lakes, over-fishing the ocean, dependence on soil-destroying corporate farming, and our polluting the land, water and air with industrial, agricultural and pharmaceutical chemicals
Will the Earth recover from this tragedy? The answer is absolutely, Yes! However, whether we will be here or not when that happens is still an open question. Steve Bhaerman and I describe in Spontaneous Evolution, that the crises we currently face are propelling us toward an evolutionary choice-point. However, in typical human behavior, we will likely make our choices only when we are confronted with a necessity to do so.
Human behavior, planetary behavior and galactic behavior are now converging and manifesting a “perfect evolutionary storm.” Humans are out of balance, hence the crises facing civilization’s health and survival. Earth is out of balance, hence the life-threatening nature of global climate change. And, our relationship to the galaxy is in upheaval as we transit the Milky Way’s equator in 2012.
The probability of a global catastrophe in the near future is an almost unavoidable reality. Consider the global crises that have arisen since January: An earthquake destroys the nation of Haiti. A volcanic eruption in Iceland shuts down life sustaining air flights that maintain Europe’s economy. A BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico threatens life in all the planet’s oceans. A growing global economic catastrophe, resembling the mini-version that recently occurred in Greece, may lead to civil unrest and the crash of civilization.
Collectively, these crises resemble birthing pains that precede the delivery of a child. A little bit of pain and damage is experienced in launching a new life form. In this “birth” I am referring to, the newborn is an evolutionarily advanced state of Human Civilization. The awareness we need to keep in mind is, that during this birthing process, “business as usual” may be completely out the window before a viable evolutionary transition system becomes self-sufficient.
What does that mean? It specifically means that we must be prepared for a period of chaos in maintaining our lives. What can we do? Create a personal “Evolution Emergency Kit!” Fortunately, at the current moment, the expense of preparing for survival readiness is relatively inexpensive. What is needed in such a kit? To be safe, consider what you would “need” during a loss of services that may last from one to two weeks. For a reality check, how long did it take to get services to victims of hurricane Katrina?
The basics one could consider for such a “kit” would be food, water, first aid supplies and power sources used for lighting, cooking and communicating. Realize that supermarket shelves will be empty within a few hours of any disaster. We could reconsider the old practice of keeping kitchen cupboards stored with enough food to last for two weeks or more. Dried foods, such as beans, rice, and flour are, at the moment, readily available and truly inexpensive. Similarly, we could consider ways to store water, a necessity more essential than food!
Disasters and chaos will likely cause banks to temporarily shut down, which means their ATM machines will be out of order as well. Do you have enough cash available to manage necessary affairs in such a situation? A small stash of cash would be of considerable value in managing your life in times of chaos.
It is not my intention to design your personal “Emergency Kit.” I simply want to alert you to the fact that the probability of an imminent geological and/or social upheaval is not just high, but may be approaching “inevitable.” Investing in a personal “Emergency Kit” now will cost you a few hours and a few dollars. Once you’ve created one, it can be “left in the closet” with the intention that it will never be needed.
What about the investment if there is no upheaval? Well, you didn’t really lose anything, since what ever you provided for yourself in the “kit” was assumed to be necessary for your life anyway. If there is no upheaval … you still can eat the beans and rice!
There are wonderful resources on the web in which experts offer their insights in regard to emergency preparedness in regard to food, health, and sustainable resources. If you have an opportunity, you can get an idea of what being “prepared” means by visiting the following web sites:
Post Peak Living: Prepared for the Peak:
Transition Network:
Transitions U.S. Social Network:
On the personal side, my interest in emergency preparedness also stem from my interest in astrology. In the Biology of Belief, I described how the cells read and respond to “environmental” information, signals that control genes and behavior. Through extension, it was apparent that living organisms evolved within and adapted to energy (information) fields derived from the sun and planets. The expression of a daily 24-hour cycle, a lunar 28-day cycle and solar 365-day cycle are manifest in the behaviors in almost all of the life forms comprising Nature. It was at that time that I realized astrology was, in fact, biologically expressed as astro physiology!
Below is a piece of astrological forecasting that I read in early 2008:
“Saturn (traditional structures) opposite Uranus (in upheaval). Here are the five Saturn-Uranus oppositions:
1. November 4
19º Virgo/Pisces
2. February 5
20º Virgo/Pisces
3. September 15
25º Virgo/Pisces
4. April 26
28º Virgo/Pisces
5. July 26
0º Libra/Aries
These continuing transits create not only the atmosphere and architecture of revolution (Uranus) but it’s reality and actuality – the demand from the working & middle classes for revolutionary change (from out-of-touch traditions & governments and from the rule of Law that has been replaced by politics). It is during these years when the forces of change will clash most violently with the forces of the status quo.”
Needless to say, I was speechless on the day of the first Saturn-Uranus opposition, November 4, when McCain (Saturn-Tradition) was undone by Obama (Upheaval). The other dates also reflected influences on planetary revolution (actually evolution) but were not as dramatic as the November opposition.
The concept of revolutionary drama, with an emphasis on preparing an “emergency kit” were re-instilled in me when a reader forwarded an interesting, to say the least, astrological report by “evolutionary astrologer” Maurice Fernandez, that was first published in early 2009. Much of the insight he offers as to what may happen in 2010, has happened. However, Fernandez expands upon the significance of the Saturn-Uranus astrological information referred to above, for in the months of June and July the planets Jupiter, Mars and Pluto align with Saturn and Mars. In regard to this period, Fernandez writes:
“In normal circumstances, some people go through changes while others continue their routine. Here the alignment is so strong and dramatic that everyone’s life can be considerably affected, it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010! The question that often arises is:” Is it bad, or is it good?” The answer is that it depends on the way one deals with the events; a conscious approach can make a difference.
One thing for certain: do not expect security, consistency, and predictability during this time. Reality is bound to change fast and so it is better to move with the flow, while remaining conscious of what is going on.”
My intention in presenting this month’s information on preparedness is that with consciousness and intention we can more effectively and healthfully manage the transitions that Fernandez suggests lies before us. I feel there is some serious credibility to Fernandez’s predictions and see his insights as truly informative. Consequently, for those who are interested, I pasted his whole report below.
In conclusion, May came in like the proverbial lion, wreaking havoc around the globe. While we would love see this month exit as the “lamb,” the months of June and July may eclipse whatever May does. And, if it turns out to be a wild ride, well Margaret and I will be getting the beans on the stove and preparing for one of our marathon Scrabble tournaments … all the while, hoping you are at home and safe!
With Light and Love,
p.s. If possible, I would appreciate you joining me for my first 2010 speaking engagements:
2010 Live Events
I Can Do It, San Diego, CA
Fri-Sun, May 14-16. For more information:
To register click here
Meaningful Purpose: The Realization of Our Potential, Walnut Creek, CA
Monday, May 24. For more information:
To register click here
I Can Do It, Toronto Canada
Thu-Sun, May 27-30. For more information:
To register click here
The Wisdom of Your Cells, Discover Your Inner Potential, Soquel CA
Fri, Jun 4. Register by calling Santa Cruz Chi Center at: 831-465-9088 or email [email protected]
A new Sounds True deeper learning course:
Spontaneous Evolution and 2012: The Choice to Become a New Species, Live On Line
June 9, 16, and 23, 6-8:30 pm. For more information: To register click here:
There are many “Live Online Events” this month, as well. Please see my calendar for a complete listing: More calendar events
Healing with the Masters
Thurs, May 20, 4pm
Other Reading
Time of Radical Shift
A Look into the Coming Cycle
by Maurice Fernandez
(evolutionary astrologer)
Greetings, I feel compelled to write this note about what we astrologers are seeing coming. We are in the beginning of a very unique time in history that will redefine the foundations of our lives. The astrological circumstances are uncommon and very dramatic. Change is likely to affect every level of our being, even though each person will feel it differently and in varying degrees of intensity.
I’m writing this note so that you may make better use of this time and understand what it is about. As astrologers we are aware of cycles that affect our existence; because this coming cycle is very unique, I feel it is important to share this information. I will try to keep it simple and not burden you with a long text and excessive details.
There are multiple planetary bodies that are gradually forming a very particular and rare alignment. This configuration began to form during the fall of 2008. Politically, that time was when the economical crisis exploded and when US president Barack Obama was elected. The configuration will move into a second phase during November 2009 and January/February 2010. (Saturn will move into the Cardinal sign of Libra and will form powerful angle to Pluto in Capricorn)…
The third phase is probably the most dramatic and intense, and will occur from the end of June to the end of July 2010, when all the factors of the configuration will align together in a cross at the very beginning of Cardinal signs in astrology. (Cardinal signs are the signs of new cycles. The planets in questions are Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. These planets are slow moving bodies and therefore it is absolutely exceptional that these slow moving bodies end up all aligned in a cross on these very sensitive degrees!
In normal circumstances, some people go through changes while others continue their routine. Here the alignment is so strong and dramatic that everyone’s life can be considerably affected, it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010! The question that often arises is:” Is it bad, or is it good?” The answer is that it depends on the way one deals with the events; a conscious approach can make a difference.
One thing for certain: do not expect security, consistency, and predictability during this time. Reality is bound to change fast and so it is better to move with the flow, while remaining conscious of what is going on. Flexibility is one of the most important assets during this time. This influence is analogous to a gigantic wave forming; you can ride on that wave and go farther than ever expected -experience a powerful transformation that can elevate you to new grounds. But this wave can also destroy a lot of what you are currently attached to.
Redefinition may occur in different fields: you may change vocation, relationships, location, mindsets, to name but a few. New people will move into your life, current ones may leave. New ideas and projects will develop and you may feel inspired to completely reinvent yourself! The cards are re-shuffled! This is a time of an awakening, a revolution; an internal and social revolution.
Everything is shaking up, everything, from November 2009 until August 2010, nothing will stay still. It can be very good, but you have to learn to navigate these changes and seize opportunity when it comes. Don’t try to have it all perfect, don’t try to keep the cake and eat it: change can take you to a completely new and perhaps higher level of what you are about, but you will have to let go of your security during this time. It is a time for risk, reinvention, new ideas, new concepts, new vision, and the impetus to make it happen.
Marriages may break, jobs and possessions may be lost, people may get sick, and simultaneously, new relationships may emerge, new passion may awaken, a completely new lifestyle is in the making…You are embarking on an adventure whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not.
My suggestion: make peace with the idea, don’t resist the adventure. If you are accepting it, you will make the best of it. If you fight and resist it, you won’t win.
This is what I mean by being open to risk taking, it may be time to take that “plunge!” Risking does not mean giving in to every silly venture. It is about hearing a calling for truth, things you have denied, postponed, avoided, feared, but things you know were true. This is a time to be more truthful and follow a calling.
Collectively, while the forces of corruption and manipulation may attempt to control the course of events, they are bound to disintegrate. Scandals will continue to hit the news, Natural events will continue to shake the earth. At worst, a war may break during summer 2010 or later because dramatic changes can spur fear and conflict… But it does not have to go that way; we are creators of our own destiny in the midst of the given circumstances.
As you go through these changes, it is crucial that you take good care of your immune system because as positive as changes may be, they can overwhelm you and weaken your immune system: eat more healthy, avoid fast sugar, ingest raw garlic and onions daily (sandwich), exercise, take time out of the intensity loop, do not let negativity take over-these are basic tips that can keep you grounded.
Importantly: the situation heating up is like a piece of molten iron that can be beaten into a better form-personally and collectively. Be an ambassador of good and avoid wasting time on trivial details.
For example, as we see the earth being depleted and all resources and species dwindling, people waste time arguing if global warming is or is not happening, if it is man-made or not! IT DOESN’T MATTER! What matters is that the natural world is vanishing before our eyes because of our misaligned actions: excessive pollution, deforestation, and peaking toxicity levels are a reality beyond global warming debates.
Similarly, the economy is not likely to stabilize any time soon, but perhaps, necessarily so. And so it will be with many other aspects of your life … you will not have immediate answers. Be patient and keep doing your best. When the cycle will complete, new circumstances will emerge… This cannot be artificially rushed.
These dramatic times are an opportunity for us to restructure our lives, personally and collectively. As many things are being redefined, we can relinquish bad habits and attachments, open up to new ideas, and invest in what works rather than settle for immediate gratification. Patience is another essential asset.
In this context, do not expect others to change for the better if you don’t do it yourself. We blame the governments and project our frustration on distant “evils,” but fail to open our hearts ourselves. Being pro-active may work better than being self-righteous.
October 30 to early December 2009
January 15 to February 15, 2010
June 25 to August 5, 2010
November 1 to December 26, 2010
Understand this is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a better way.
Understand there will be a price to pay, something may need to go.
If you lose something or someone, understand this is the sign of these times, use a crisis to venture into new horizons and create something new.
Understand this is an adventure and risk must be taken.
Understand that this is not a time when we can expect security-we are in transition…
Listen to your inner truth, make you life truly happen now.
Take care of your immune system: avoid bad diets in generalŠthey render you vulnerable to opportunistic viruses.
Support your friends and family, we all shall need one another for support during this transition time.
Cultivate your spiritual practice: this is also important for your immune system.
Do your best to do good: whatever you seed now will have effect now and later.
There is probably more than can be said and explained, but you get the point. An incredible opportunity is arising, now and throughout 2010, this type of cycle has not happened in recent history. We can expect a certain level of destruction to occur-that is the price to pay, but the prospect of experiencing an awakening and creating a better future is now within reach. We are now in the midst of a revolution – a cultural, social, and political revolution. On a personal level, it is a conceptual, emotional, and or spiritual revolution, truly, it is in the making!
The Books
Spontaneous Evolution: Information, inspiration and invitation to participate in the greatest adventure in human history – conscious evolution!
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« Purchase from Spirit2000
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
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« Purchase from Spirit2000
Other information:
Also, take a look at Dr. Darren Weissman’s new book from Hay House, entitled Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind And Jonathan Goldman’s new book, The Divine Name
©2010 Bruce Lipton Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.