During my final days at Stanford, I was giving a lecture on the new biology that I was working on and how the membrane was translating the signal from the environment and that those signals by chemistry but were primarily from the energy field as referenced through quantum physics. I was talking about invisible energies, vibrations and controlling cell biology. It was a public lecture on this topic.
Shortly after the lecture, I got a phone call from Dr. Pat Gayman, who was the Dean of Sciences at Life West at the time. She asked me if I would like to come give a lecture at the college. I said that would be very interesting but, I have no knowledge or concept about the chiropractic science at all (this was in the 80s). This is when I was offered a wonderful book from then Life West President Dr. Gerry Clum entitled “The Chiropractors Adjuster” written by DD Palmer.
I entered the welcoming arms of the chiropractic community and found my life got better.