You want to get your power back. You have to look at those subconscious programs because science has revealed that most of them, seventy percent or more, are really leading to limiting, sabotaging beliefs that are self-destructive. And this is why we can’t get out of our own way because we didn’t even see we were in own way because we were doing it unconsciously.
The basis of the biology of belief is that genes don’t control life. On of the experiments that I personally did in my lab was going to a cell and remove the structure called the nucleus. The nucleus is the structure that contains the genes. If genes control life and you throw away the nucleus, then there shouldn’t be anything to control life in the cell and the joke is the cells can live for two and a half or more months with no genes and they still carry out all the complexities of life, moving around, eating, breathing, talking, avoiding toxins. The first thing you are asking is who’s controlling the cells if it’s not the genes.
Secondly, my experiments on stem cells which are started in 1967. I’d isolate one stem cell, put it in a Petri dish. And then it would divide every ten hours and after a few days I’d have thousands of cells in there. They all came from one cell, meaning they were genetically identical, like ten thousand cells in a Petri dish. I separated the cells in three Petri dishes, then I changed their growth medium, the constituents of the environment. In the first dish they form bone, in the second they form muscle and a third form fat cells. All of a sudden you have to stop and start with the big question: what controls the fate of a cell?