Dear Friends, Imaginal Cells and Seekers Everywhere,
Road Trip!!!!! Margaret and I leaving today for a two week European lecture tour. Starting in Bulgaria, then to Basel, then Belgium and finally in Milan. While I am engaged in the lectures, Margaret will do the sightseeing for the both of us. For me, the joy in touring overseas is the opportunity to present the new biology to a worldwide community. Everywhere, people are opening-up to prepare for a better future.
Here in the States, scientists are finally recognizing that Nature is the best teacher. For several centuries, humans have held the belief that we were “created” to have dominion over Nature. How’s that working out? The answer is profound: Human civilization has precipitated the 6th Mass Extinction Event on Earth. A giant wake-up call for humanity and an opportunity to reconsider our relationship with the web of life.
In this regard, scientists are finally focusing their attention on other species and how they have learned to deal with life’s stressors. Biomimicry, the science of reverse engineering the secrets of biology, is revealing new ways to use Nature’s technology to avoid the crises that we continuously face. Before humans existed, biological systems also had to deal with environmental upheavals, such as climate change. Through an understanding of how plants and animals were able to continuously adapt to all the same environmental challenges we face, perhaps we may prevent the extinction of our own species.
While we can certainly learn to communicate with biosphere around us … hug a tree, talk to your plants … we already have a rich resource that is fully aware of Nature’s secrets. The planet’s remaining indigenous people have carried this information forward for the last millennium and longer. In the words of a comedian I can’t remember, “The older I get, the smarter my father becomes.” Heeding that wisdom, there is still time for us to sit at the feet of our “Grandmothers and Grandfathers” and finally listen to their stories of how to sustainably live in the Garden.
For those interested in a transformative life experience, stay tuned for a future announcement regarding our third annual Sundance experience in the wilderness of Canada. Camping and working along side of Chief White Standing Buffalo and his Cree community offers an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the heart of Nature. During this week long camping experience (Teepees and RVs also present), the collective community builds a large ceremonial arbor and sweat lodges and then participates in the dancing and other indigenous ceremonies.
For those in the US Northwest, we will be providing a fund-raiser event on Vashon Island, Washington, to support the Cree community in offering the Sundance experience to the world community on Dec. 2. I hope you will have an opportunity to join us and see how we can all participate in re-create the Garden.
With Love, Light and Wishes for Heaven-on-Earth,
Hay House presents Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.’s online The Biology of Belief Course
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Join my Online Membership Library for unlimited access to audio and video lectures, live interactive monthly membership calls with Q & A, and new content added each month. More Info
Upcoming Live Events:
Life Strategies
Sat-Sun, October 28-29, Milan, Italy
More details
Celebrate Your Life
Fri-Sun, November 3-5, Sedona, AZ
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The Spiritual Center for Positive Living
Fri, November 17, Cameron Park, CA
More details
Fundraiser Event for Sundance Ceremony June 2018
The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity
Sat, December 2, Vashon, WA
For information, contact Tristan J Carbery, [email protected], (206) 941-7575
Bruce Recommends:
Colleague and friend Gregg Braden has released his newest book, Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice. For more information click here.
I will be giving a LIVE lecture as part of the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Association’s certificate program for prenatal and perinatal educators on November 20, 2017 at 9 am pacific time. The lecture is entitled: Conscious Parenting, Epigenetics, and the Future of Human Civilization. Please join in. Fee: $19. APPPAH Members can listen for free.