Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Emerging Imaginal Cells,
Margaret and I recently returned home after a hiatus of 5 months on the road. From December through the beginning of April, we were in New Zealand where I annually present an Immunology course at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. Besides the fact that it was summer time in the southern hemisphere, life in “Middle Earth” is amazing. Living in a country off the beaten track and especially one that has no involvement whatsoever in any war, offers an amazingly serene and peaceful existence. It is almost as if the planet was experiencing a global hurricane and New Zealand was in the eye of the storm.
However, we were in for a shock when we left Auckland and entered to the “real” world for two weeks of meetings in Australia before returning to California. The day we arrived in Melbourne, the country had just enacted a mandatory vaccination program for all children. In addition to being publically ostracized for “endangering” the lives of their children, parents that chose not to inject their children face severe financial penalties. These families were deemed liable for the first $15,000 in personal healthcare costs in a country that boasts a National Health Service that provides free coverage for all citizens.
We were met with a similar situation facing U.S. residents when we finally returned home to California. I am not alone in recognizing the very dangerous precedent set when a government mandates medical procedures. In fact, one of America’s most prominent citizens, Thomas Jefferson warned us of this danger in 1778 when he wrote: “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny.”
The government acting as the “strong arm” for carrying out the dictates of the medical profession bears a striking similarity to the time when governments served the same police function in persecuting dissenters of religious beliefs, deemed heretics by the Church. While governments may no longer burn heretics at the stake, I see today’s penalties, such as removing children from their families and placing them into the custody of child welfare services as frighteningly inhumane!
Firstly, taking the truths of the medical profession as being equivalent to the “Word of God” is patently inappropriate considering that even the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article condemning the medical profession as the third leading cause of death in the U.S. (Barbara Starfield, JAMA. 2000;284(4):483-485, Read article. While this conclusion was based on what the author described as “conservative estimates,” a more recent assessment using actual statistics completely contradicts that conclusion, for it reveals that conventional medicine is actually the leading cause of death in the States. (Gary Null et al, Death By Medicine 2003, Read article.
Secondly, it is profoundly important to note that an infant’s immune system is not fully developed until the child is almost 2 years old. Challenging an immature immune system with a large number of up to 65 different vaccines, while it is still in development, has been linked with subsequent systemic defects that disrupt normal immune functions. Read article. In fact, before birth and for the first months of its life, an infant’s immune system depends on antibodies it acquires from the mother’s blood while in utero, and later, from antibodies provided in mother’s breast milk. These maternally-derived antibodies are the natural source of a child’s immune defense.
Thirdly, as I offer in my Immunology course, infants were already born with a pre-existing and natural vaccination mechanism. We have three pairs of tonsils in our throats. The function of these tonsils have been misunderstood by most medical professionals. Generally they are referred to as the “first line of defense” against inflammation, suggesting they serve to “fight” potentially pathogenic infections that enter the body through the mouth, nose and eyes.
The fact lost on most professionals is that the tonsils are actually immunological “learning centers.” Tonsils sample all incoming chemistry, including “germs,” and use this information to develop the specificity of the immune response. In other words, the tonsils are the site of a “natural” vaccination processes. This is why children instinctively put every thing they can into their mouths, for this is the mechanism by which tonsils “learn” to recognize environmental pathogens. Consequently, Nature designed the immune system to utilize an oral vaccination process.
The conventional injection of vaccines below the skin bypasses the body’s normal immune pathways and as a result, confuses the body’s natural immune mechanisms. It is important to note that I am not against immunization. However, I believe all vaccines should be orally introduced so as to most effectively engage the tonsil’s learning function. Recently, research at Stanford has shown that an oral immunotherapy program had a 100 percent success rate in treating food allergies, an immunopathology that in recent times has reached epidemic proportions. Read article. I believe the Stanford success story will help pave the way for future immunization research.
An extensive bibliography of research is now being compiled that challenges the effectiveness attributed to conventional vaccinations. In regard to medical vaccination programs … caveat emptor (“let the buyer beware”). This phrase arises from the fact that buyers often have less information about the goods or services they are purchasing, while the seller has more information. Defects in the goods or services, vaccinations in this case, may be hidden from the buyer, and only known to the seller. Hence, “the buyer should beware.” I am addressing this issue because recent investigations reveal collusion among pharmaceutical interests, the AMA and the FDA. These studies emphasize that financial considerations of vaccination programs are more relevant than any health benefits they offer the public.
In conclusion, we should really heed Jefferson’s wise advice. Especially since the current healthcare crisis in the States is one of the worst of all the planet’s industrialized nations. To listen to my entire interview on vaccines: Click Here
Please prepare for the future and take care of yourselves, for you are the Cultural Creatives who are needed to help our civilization successfully evolve!
With Love and Light,
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The “New” Biology: The Secret of Creating Heaven on Earth
Sat. May 23, Madrid, Spain
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Books to Review:
I’m excited for the release of One Spirit Medicine, by my friend and colleague Dr. Alberto Villoldo. You can order it now: Click Here
Lisa Garr, Host of The Aware Show releasing her new book Becoming Aware. To order: Click Here