Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives & Seekers Everywhere,
As some of you may notice, this month’s video is a rerun from a previous Newsletter. Why play it again? The message is even more relevant today.
Joy Ride?
Over the last two weeks, the public was offered a momentary break from the never-ending onslaught of news of a world in chaos and upheaval. Global attention was temporarily focused on the exploits of gazillionaires Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Elon Musk. Each of these individuals, representatives of the top 1% of the top 1% of the world’s wealthy, have invested their riches in creating their own space-flight companies. To demonstrate for the public their trust in their own efforts, Besos and Branson strapped themselves into rockets and blasted-off into space.
The press reviewed these happenings as “Aiming to Open Up Space Tourism,” simply a “show” to prepare the public’s mind to a coming world in which human spaceflight is routine. Ostensibly, at least on the surface, these “Joyrides” were designed to interest the public in buying seats on the next available flight.
Well, that is partially true. Actually, the stunt was to attract other investors, pooling revenues to fund the “master” project: Interplanetary flight. No, this project is not designed for public transportation. Human beings are facing a major crisis in sustainability, which means, facing our survival. Currently, the behavior and “survival” of civilization is being challenged by a simple fact: To sustain ourselves in the lifestyle of residents of the U.S.A., we need the resources of over FOUR Earths.
Conventional thinking concludes that life on Earth is simply not “sustainable.” This crisis is not a hundred years into the future … it is now. Humans have precipitated the planet’s 6th Mass Extinction Event, which of course, includes us. In fact, NASA scientists assess that global industrial civilization would face an irreversible collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and, as importantly, increasingly unequal wealth distribution.
The end of life on planet Earth has been the jumping-off point of hundreds of science-fiction novels. The only consequence offered is the chance to fly off and exploit another planet. With this vision, the future of human space flight can be reduced to two main goals, 1) Sending space ships to other planets and harvesting their resources for us, and 2) For a dying planet, these space ships can be used to establish human life on other planets.
The space flight options seem reasonable if Earth can no longer sustain us. But, before we jump ship, we must recognize an important fact: The Earth is Resilient! If we stop pillaging the resources and begin to behave as our animist forefathers, seeing the Earth as a Garden, and we as gardeners, there will be NO reason to escape the planet!
Nature has revealed a very important fact: In areas on this planet that have been legislated as protected territories and areas where the environment is dangerous and humans are prohibited (e.g., Chernobyl), Nature can rebound in very, very short time. Thirty years after Chernobyl was delimited as an “exclusion zone,” this city in the former Soviet Union has become a forest, trees overgrowing the roads and buildings. This site also has the highest animal population density compared to every other area in that part of the world.
The point is very important! We can actually stay on Earth without destroying it. New advances in technology offer solutions to problems that were once insurmountable. Additionally, if the public would just return to a lifestyle that honors our ecosystem, the Earth will indeed sustain a human population as big as the one we have now. Interestingly, when we do learn to live in harmony with the web of life, the population will naturally become reduced because the birthrate will decline.
I am buoyed by the fact that in the face of the current global crises, there is a movement wherein people are awakening to alternate realities in which we seek personal health and empowerment. OK, I am talking about you! This is especially true among the younger generations who have been proactive in their efforts to save the environment. You are the ones to create the energy and harmony needed to bring peace between civilization and Mother Nature.
Take a moment and smell the flowers!
Wishing YOU … health, happiness, and harmony,
Upcoming Events
At this time we are planning for these events to occur and will notify you if there’s a change in schedule.
Aligning Your Life With the Wisdom of Nature
Create Heaven on Earth
Holy Land Tour with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
Bruce’s Spotlight
Years of lecturing around this beautiful planet have provided me an opportunity to encounter wonderful Cultural Creatives that are helping to bring harmony into the world. Each month, I want to honor cultural creatives by sharing with you the gifts they have shared with me.
This month I would like to honor an incredible visual artist, Rafael Araujo. I first encountered Rafael’s art several years ago at a friend’s house that had one of his pieces framed on his wall. I loved the way he incorporated visions of geometrical and mathematical equations with nature and evolutionary processes. And lucky for me, Rafael agreed to allow me to feature a portion of his “Morpho Double Helix” piece on the top of my new website!
In Rafael’s words, “Right at the center of the creation of all my work there has always been nothing but the underlying joy of using geometry to give free rein to my creative needs within an orderly (and perhaps for some), strict context. The truth is that possessing the systems necessary to project ideas with precision, regardless of the medium used and according to each person’s own style, is basic when it comes to being truly creative. It is true that creativity is by definition free and unlimited, but we cannot ignore that mastering the techniques of a given art form helps, without a doubt, to reach higher levels of excellence in creation.
In my 2D and 3D geometrical work (always done by hand), I use the drawing methods and, specially, the traditional perspective developed by the Italian artists of the Renaissance (Brunelleschi, Ucello, Luca Pacioli, among others). So far there is nothing too new in what I do. Perhaps the really rare thing about my work is the insistence on continuing to use these ancient methods in times of sophisticated digital art software.
However, to some people, sharing is a good enough reason to do things. That is the spirit of my “geometric divertimentos”, done using a simplified but very precise perspective method which I have been sharing with people from all over the globe.”
My invitation is for you to enjoy and if possible to unravel the geometry and methods used to create these examples of ordered creativity. Please follow Rafael on Instagram and check out his beautiful website.
Many thanks to you, Rafael, for bringing harmony to this world through your stunning visual creations!
Featuring Bruce
Join the Freedom Extravaganza!
This Saturday, July 24! Just because the world appears scary and chaotic, you don’t have to buy into it. Not at all. 10 luminaries will shine light on YOURpathway to freedom this month as a free gift: Marianne Williamson, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter, Jack Canfield, Lynne McTaggart, Janet Attwood, John Robbins, and Debra Poneman. Guided by spiritual mentor and author Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, author of the soon-to-be-released Hollywood to the Himalayas, will expand on the powerful and useful teachings in her guide, Live in Peace, Not in Pieces. You will be able to download her guide immediately as yet another free gift when you get your Free Pass to the Freedom Extravaganza.
Superpower Docuseries – Ignite your Intuitive Intelligence
Reclaim your power. Decide to trust your inner abilities. This revolutionary, 10-episode docuseries featuring global experts will INSPIRE you to do that. In this documentary film series, multiple real-life stories support repeat results and the scientific data our experts reveal. Science is finally catching up with what mystics have known for thousands of years. Our experts will discuss what our government and corporations have been using for decades. To view the film, click HERE.
Bruce Recommends
Trauma & the Embodied Brain by Bonnie Badenoch Ph.D., LMFT
Across her 30 years as a trauma therapist, Dr. Bonnie Badenoch has found that a key insight from relational neuroscience has most influenced the success of her work. What she found is that “trauma may be less about what happened to us and much more about who is there to support us—before, during, and after the overwhelming experience.”
How does this change the way we help others? It means bringing both our knowledge and a deeply supportive relationship to the counseling room. For more information click HERE.
Take Your Place at the Leading Edge of Business: Conscious Business Practices that Extend Your Reach and Impact and the Conscious Business Change Agent Masterclass 6-month Intensive.
Be joyfully engaged with your work every day while also making a positive difference for communities and the planet! Free Conscious Business Event with Ken Wilber, Michael Beckwith, and Andrew Harvey – Sign Up HERE.
New Streaming Videos
Epigenetics and the Story of Exosomes: The Information Highway And Bridging Body & Mind
The Grand Convergence: The New Science of the Body-Mind-Spirit Trinity
Check out our Website
We are so very happy to share the next evolution of our website at BruceLipton.com! It is our pleasure to present a new site with improved navigation and a cleaner design, providing easier access to Bruce Lipton’s teachings, interviews, free resources, and more.
Please take a look around the new site to find all of the archived monthly newsletters; hundreds of hours of educational (and entertaining) videos and interviews; access to free resources organized by category; a new and improved contact page; and a directory of complementary healing modalities.
We also have an exciting new feature for our membership (learn more here).
Free Shipping Offer
For a limited time, we are offering FREE SHIPPING on Domestic Orders over $25 and International Orders over $100! Enjoy our STORE.
The shipping fee will be deducted automatically if your order meets the criteria. $25 for domestic/$100 international. Free shipping applies only to physical products. Membership and streaming products do not qualify.
Become a Member
Join today for the next Membership Call, happening Saturday August 7th at 9:00am PDT and get exclusive access to the audio and video resources in the Bruce Lipton Archive – featuring over 30 years of cutting-edge research and teaching. Plus, when you join you’ll have the chance to ask your questions and hear Bruce LIVE on our Monthly Member Webinars. Learn more about Membership details.