Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Emerging Imaginal Cells,
Wishing you health, happiness and harmony as the evolution is moving full speed ahead!
As most of you are aware, my lectures frequently address the biological consequences of the mutually exclusive states of growth and protection. By necessity, a system in growth is “open” to the environment in order to assimilate those elements that support its vitality and development. In contrast, systems in protection are “closed” to wall-off a toxic or threatening environment. Since an organism cannot be open and closed at the same time, it means it cannot be in growth and protection at the same time.
In a state of fear, a protection response by adrenal stress hormones shuts down the body’s blood flow to the visceral organs that control the growth and maintenance of the body. In the process the blood is preferentially sent to energize the arms and legs used in fight or flight behaviors. Interestingly, the same stress hormones constrict the blood flow in the forebrain, the source of conscious control, forcing the blood to energize the hindbrain, the site of rapid unconscious reflex behaviors.
These fear-driven physiologic behaviors are vital to save us from the jaws of a menacing saber-toothed tiger. HOWEVER, the stress system was designed for short bursts of activity, such as escaping from the tiger. Once safe, the body will immediately return to growth mode behaviors.
If the fear response becomes chronic, the inhibition of growth and maintenance behaviors, as well as the loss of consciousness by stress hormones directly results in a breakdown of the system. In fact the American Psychological Association has revealed that between 75 to 90% of all doctor office visits are directly due to stress.
In Spontaneous Evolution, Steve Bhaerman and I describe how a community of cells creates an organism such as a human, and that a community of humans also collectively represents a living organism. A community, as an “organism” of integrated humans, expresses the same behaviors as organisms comprised of cellular communities.
In that light, it is interesting to consider the “psychology” behind the two dominant political parties in the “organism” referred to as the United States. The Republican Party is basing its campaign on an adrenal fear response. At the recent convention, Trump delivered the classic strongman message: You need ME to protect you. Playing on the public’s anxiety over terrorists and “foreigners,” they are engaging a fear-based platform of closing down the US and arming ourselves to the hilt. Their mission is to manifest a full out chronic, and consequently, self-sabotaging protection response. A win by the Republicans will lead to social upheaval in the same way that chronic stress hormones induce an upheaval within a cellular community that is expressed as disease.
In contrast, the Democratic Party is proposing a platform that emphasizes support of the country’s growth behaviors. Unfortunately, the Party is infected with a parasitic “corporate-greed virus” that channels the country’s resources into the hands of the “One-Percenters.” Consequently, a win by Democrats will also lead to social upheaval driven by the disenfranchised masses.
At times in the past, the US presidential election was based on selecting “the lesser of two evils.” This time it makes no difference which side wins, for either choice will lead to an unsustainable situation. The social upheaval generated by these political parties will inevitably provide an opportunity to rebuild our world on higher ground.
As described in Spontaneous Evolution, human civilization is currently causing the planet’s 6th mass extinction. The simple truth is we cannot build a sustainable society on today’s political and economic foundation, which is responsible for our looming extinction. To thrive into the future, we need a radical change in philosophy and behavior … a new foundation.
So the “bad news” of the current political scene is, in reality, the “good news.” Crisis precipitates evolution! The country is literally imploding. With the support of the Millennial Generation (those under 40 years of age), a new evolved version of civilization, representing a super-conscious Phoenix, can arise from the ashes. In the end, the only difference between the current two political parties is which one will sink the country first.
While the media keeps our focus on the problems of our world, I would like to offer a brief respite from these unpleasantries. If you have an opportunity, please checkout Michael Moore’s new film, Where to Invade Next. No, this is not a film about war, in fact, just the opposite. This film visits countries that have successfully dealt with issues that are currently undermining life in the States. Reviewed in this remarkable compendium are solutions to problems that confront US citizens, such as those concerned with politics, education, healthcare, banks, prisons, illegal drug use and women’s rights.
It is both enheartening and mind boggling to see how our major issues are being resolved with simple principles and behaviors. What is most illuminating is the fact that the international solutions to solving our current critical problems were originally proposed by organizations within the US. Unfortunately, as a nation, we never had the resolve to follow through on these homebred ideas that have now proven to be so successful. Michael Moore’s movie is truly uplifting because it focuses on positive resolutions to the severe problems we now face.
While the world wrestles with crises too numerous to list, I want to emphasize that you can thrive in this world living “outside” of the box … by simply applying the principles of the new biology described in The Biology of Belief.
With Love and Light,
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Fractal Biology: The Philosophy of Vitalism
Wed. July 27-August 17, Hayward, CA
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The Wave
Thus-Sat, August 4-6, Milbrae, CA
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The Biology of Belief
Sat, August 13, Mexico City
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Resurgence 50: One Earth, One Humanity, One Future
Thurs-Sun, September 22-25, Oxford, UK
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Hay House Presents, I Can Do It
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Intelligent Cells: The Science of Self-Empowerment
Fri., September 30, Oy-Mittleberg, Germany
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Intelligent Cells: The Science of How to Create Heaven on Earth
Sat., October 1, Mittelberg, Germany
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Intelligent Cells: The Science of Self Empowerment
Wed., Oct. 5, Vienna, Austria
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The Biology of Belief: The Science of Personal Empowerment
Fri., October 7, Rosenheim, Germany
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The Biology of Belief: The Turning Point: Thriving in a World of Change
Sat., October 8, Rosenheim, Germany
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The Common Wealth Club Presents: Mind Over Genes
Tues, December 7,San Francisco, CA
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