Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Imaginal Cells!
It’s July, and more than the temperatures are heating up! Crises are accelerating and are rising to a fever pitch. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in combination with the revolutionary ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) forces over-running Iraq and forcing Christians to flee for their lives, may represent the germination of the seeds of the fabled Armageddon. At home in the good ol’ U. S. of A., corporations have revealed their inherent lack of humanity by shutting off the water of life to poor people in Detroit. Imagine not having drinking water, water to flush a toilet or water to wash your selves? Corporate actions are not only un-American they are downright inhumane. Corporate greed now has other municipalities considering the same action.
Has the world gone mad???? NO!!!! We are just experiencing the “quickening,” the final stage required to set the evolution into action. Until they are up against the proverbial wall, most people will sit quietly and not take action. Global upheavals are fundamental in introducing a change in civilization.
Many people consider that change will only be accomplished by fighting the “man,” or in this case, the corporations. Unfortunately, fighting against something actually contributes energy to the problem. The way out is to create something new and then step out of the old paradigm. When that something “new” reveals itself to be a better way, people will naturally leave the old system and gravitate to what works.
Margaret and I, in an effort to “walk our talk,’ have joined with Organic India and the UPLIFT organization to manifest that “new” reality. This October we will return to India to implement a new form of a sustainable social reality in the Uttarakhand, a Himalaya-bordering state in northern India. In this month’s newsletter video, I provide a description for a new vision of “community” that we hope will become a working model for the rest of the world.
Thank you dear cultural creatives for following this website as offering a window into the evolution of our world. Change is inevitable. We must all make choices and then take action in order to manifest a new sustainable, peaceful and loving world. We are the change we have been looking for!
With Love and Light,
Make a shift in your consciousness today!
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The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth book is now available in paperback, as well as the audio version and we are offering a great discount.
Here is where you can join me for upcoming events:
Live Events:
The Wave, Life West Chiropractic
Fri.-Sat. Aug 1-2, Hayward, CA
For full details click here
Women’s Wellness Conference
Fri.-Sun. Sept. 19-21, Costa Mesa, CA
For full details click here
The Effect of Honeymoon, The “New” Biology: The Secret to Experiencing Heaven on Earth
Sat. Sept. 27, Rimini, Italy
The Honeymoon Effect, The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth
Tues. Sept. 30, Basel, Switzerland
For full details click here
Human Evolution in Action: Thriving in a World of Change
Fri-Sat., Oct. 3-4, Copenhagen, Denmark
For full details click here