Hello Dear Friends, Imaginal Cells, and Seekers,
Happy New Year Era!!!!!
Margaret and I have taken temporary leave from “Crazy Town” while I return to present my annual college Immunology course in beautiful, summertime New Zealand. Being outside of the craziness of the ongoing political transition process in the States, offers an opportunity to detach from the “stress,” and calmly honor the necessity for the impending upheaval.
As emphasized in Spontaneous Evolution, we cannot build a sustainable future on the foundation of today’s civilization. Consequently, cultural upheaval is inevitable in order to create a civilization in which love and harmony among all people, and with Mother Gaia, will allow us to thrive into the future. The point is simple:
The Evolution Has Begun: Stage 1 – A World in Chaos
While this conclusion sounds scary to some, here are two very positive perspectives to consider:
A) Human civilization is on a path toward self-destruction by provoking the planet’s 6th mass extinction of life. An extinction that is not centuries into our future, but is measured by science to be within a few decades. The biosphere’s health is at a tipping point. If we do not transform our way of life starting now, we’ll face an unstoppable “avalanche” fracturing the web of life. So upheaval now is the only viable alternative.
B) For many, the notion of chaos is a harbinger of stress, because they equate chaos with “randomness.” If our somewhat organized (structured) “world” was undergoing a random upheaval, it would surely be stressful for we would not be able to depend on acquiring life-sustaining support such as food, water, jobs, protection, etc.
The good news is that chaos does NOT mean random. Chaos means that something that outwardly “appears” random; is in actuality, highly structured. In this understanding, the illusion of “random” is simply a consequence of not having enough information about the underlying interactions to predict the future structure. Global weather “appears” to be chaotic, but atmospheric conditions affecting your personal body, wherever you are at this moment, are completely predictable. Unfortunately, it is not possible to gather the amount of data necessary for the calculations. For example, the amount of air movement due to the flap of every butterfly’s wings would be necessary in the calculation.
Question of the Day: Are today’s crises random, or are they chaotic and express an underlying structure? If the latter is correct, than an awareness of the organizing “factors” would provide us with a predictive vision of the future.
Answer of the Day: We are in evolutionary chaos! There is a “structure” underlying today’s global upheaval and it was already mapped out 35 years ago at a think-tank (… of course). The conclusions of the organization’s report offer wonderful insight about the “now” and our future.
In 1973 the government issued a directive for the Center for Social Policy at the SRI (Stanford Research Institute) to define the “Elements of a strategy for a non-catastrophic transition.” Transition??? By the early 1970’s, government theorists recognized that our illusion of continuous “growth” was similar to a pyramid-scheme that must inevitably reach an endpoint and implode. The SRI think-tank was to gather data to “predict” how the “endpoint” would arise and how the government should deal with the consequences.
SRI researchers had concluded that an unstoppable wave of “new values” predicated on the growth of the self-realization movement and the influence of the ecological and spiritual awakening at the time. They concluded that the “new-Age” movement would transform society and undermine “industrial-state” institutions and result in serious social disruptions, economic decline, runaway inflation, and even institutional collapse. Hello 2017!
The following is a summary of the SRI’s final report:
Elements of a Strategy for a Non-catastrophic Transition
- Promote awareness of the unavoidability of the transformation.
- Foster construction of a guiding vision of a workable society built around the new image of man and new social paradigm.
- Foster a period of experimentation and tolerance for diverse alternatives.
- Encourage a politics of righteousness (i.e., morally right) and a heightened sense of public responsibilities of the private sector . . . A politics of righteousness might have been laudable in any generation; it may be indispensable for safe passage through the times just ahead.
- Promote systematic exploration of and foster education regarding man’s inner life, his subjective experience.
- Plan adequate social controls for the transition period while safeguarding against longer-term losses of freedom . . . Regulation and restraint of behavior will be necessary in order to hold the society together while it goes around a difficult corner. [Please note: Under the Patriot Act, Dick Cheney’s company, Halliburton, has already built “containment camps” to hold millions of citizens. BHL]
Check the link for an informative and enlightening summary of the 1982 SRI report not only predicted the current state of the world, but as importantly, it offers some very valuable insights on how we may succeed from here: Report
Nature is giving us a call to disentangle from the “ship going down” and participate in building the new “Love Boat.”
With Love, Light and Wishes of Good Visions,
Join my Online Membership Library for unlimited access to audio and video lectures, live interactive monthly membership calls with Q & A, and new content added each month. More Info
Hay House presents Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.’s new online The Biology of Belief Course
More details
Upcoming Live Events:
Chris Hooper Productions Presents: From Chaos To Coherence: Thriving In A World Of Extremes
Wed, February 15, 2017, Auckland, New Zealand
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Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers
Fri-Sat, February 17-18, Adelaide, Australia
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The Rubicon Conference
Sat-Sun. April 8-9, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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New DVD on Bruce’s store:
The Healing Fields, Exploring Energy & Consciousness
Available now
I had a wonderful opportunity to contribute a chapter called The Light: A Book of Wisdom. Other contributors; His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dada J.P. Vaswani, Pujya Swamiji, Anita Moorjani, Deva Premal and Miten, and many more.
More details
Bruce recommends:
Join thousands throughout the planet on February 14, 2017 at 12 noon (your local time) as we sound forth for 5 minutes with an “AH” projected with the energy of compassion and love. Send a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth and change Global Consciousness!
- Heal Our Planet!
- Heal Our Waters!
- Raise Our Consciousness!
“When the public understands Tom’s message and integrates it with mine, Love will manifest in this world.” Bruce Lipton
Tom Campbell is very excited to be coming to Auckland for the first time presenting: My Big TOE: Consciousness in a Virtual Reality
Sunday Feb 26, Parnell Community Center, Auckland, New Zealand
My Big TOE: The Cultural Connection
Saturday March 4
Sunday March 5
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland
More details, use discount code: BL250
To our Australian and New Zealand residents: Our dear UPLIFT Friend, Xiuhtezcatl (when he was 12 years old, he challenged the govt about his “environmental” rights.) Fabulous speaker! He was awarded a Volunteer in Service To America award presented by Obama. More details