Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Emerging Imaginal Cells,
The reverberations of the New Year’s Eve song, Auld Lang Syne, are still echoing in my mind. The words auld lang syne are an archaic expression that simply means “time long past.”
For a very vocal minority in the States, Auld Lang Syne conjures up a picture of an era when, and I quote, a “white” America existed. I challenge the very limited awareness of these racist, homophobic and what I would consider “neanderthal-ic” throwbacks, with apologies to the “real” Neanderthals.
The reason why “white” people showed up in North America was because of their belief in a “utopian world,” a civilization based on peace, happiness and equal opportunity. The idea of a utopian world was a fundamental philosophical principle of the Age of Enlightenment, the ideas of which dominated the European culture in the 1700’s.
At that time, the nations of Europe had a strict class-consciousness, an upper class and a lower class. The lower class was the “feeder layer” that supported the wants and needs of their upper class masters. Lower class people were generally like “slaves” in owing their survival to the upper class. Membership to a class was based on birth family. Born in working class … means you will always be working class!
The character of the sought after “utopian world” was actually a concept based on a study of North American Indians by Jean Jacques Rousseau, a principle architect of the Enlightenment. Specifically, Rousseau focused on the seven Native American tribes that created a confederacy known as the Iroquois Nation, it was the “first” United States, one that provided communal peace and harmony for 600 years before the invasion of the white settlers. Recognizing the unity of material and spiritual realms was a fundamental principle governing the North American Indian utopia. The culture of the Native American Indians and First Nation Aboriginals (i.e., Canadian Indians) integrated the physical and energetic realms and in doing so, created environmental harmony, best expressed as the concept of the Garden.
White Europeans immigrated by the masses to experience what would become, the American Dream. The unfortunate part of the story is that the whites essentially decimated the millions of natives whose lives they came to emulate. Our civilization’s current emphasis on the material realm, represented in our culture as money, and the imbalance by leaving out the spiritual realm, has brought our world to the edge of the sixth mass extinction of life on this planet.
Frontier science has emphasized that our survival is dependent upon us to return to our aboriginal roots that stressed the belief that humans are one with Nature. Aboriginal people recognize and honor the “spirits” of the air, the water, the rocks, the plants and animals, and most importantly, the spiritual nature of themselves. Fortunately, many of the lost traditions of our forefathers are still available in the few remaining aboriginals that inhabit our planet. Native Americans, First Nation People, African tribes, South American Indians and Australian Aborigines still hold the secrets of how to live in harmony with the planet.
Ten years ago, I wrote the following in a chapter for a book compilation entitled: Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves: The Power of Change Within to Change the World (2005). “We should create an international project to honor these people and we should sit at their feet to learn their life-sustaining insights about the secrets of Nature. When we return to our aboriginal roots, “The powerful light that has been banished will return.” I am not suggesting that we shed our technology, don loincloths and camp in the woods. I am instead suggesting that we and our technology must learn to live in harmony with our mother, our dear Earth.”
I have been blessed with the opportunity of working with a First Nation community of Cree Indians in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, over the last two years. It has been a life-transforming collaboration wherein I experienced and learned some of the honoring ways in which these true humans honor Nature and one another. If civilization would just walk in their moccasins, we could resolve our global environmental crises and once again live in the Garden.
This year in welcoming in the New Year and singing Auld Lang Syne, I was focusing on the America from a “time long past.” A time when a Nature-honoring civilization tended the Garden, long before the “white America” destroyed the harmony and health of our environment.
The beautiful lesson I experienced is that to evolve, we must return to the roots of our ancestors and honor the spiritual nature of our physical universe (which in fact is the lesson offered by quantum physics!). In order to get there, we must first recognize and honor the fact that each of us is a spiritual entity inhabiting a physical body.
Honoring is the foundation of harmony.
I honor each of you. Thank you for being open to hearing, what I consider to be, a more positive path to a sustainable and healthy future.
With Love and Light,
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