Dear Imaginal Cells and Cultural Creatives,
April Newsletter: Crisis ignites evolution. The challenges and crises the world faces today are actually signs that change is imminent. We are about to face our evolution.
June Newsletter: Crisis ignites evolution. The challenges and crises the world faces today are actually signs that change is imminent now. We are about to face facing our evolution.
The Quickening
Over each of the last few newsletters, I have had to change the tense of the verbs in my “Crisis ignites evolution.” statement. As recently as April, the phrases were written in future tense. Today, I have a “gut” feeling that it might be time to rephrase it using the present tense.
Recently, I read some blogs that suggest we are experiencing “The Quickening,” a term made popular by the sequel to the successful film, The Highlander, interestingly enough entitled, The Quickening. Unsure as to what the term “quickening” meant, I found that the dictionary defines it in action verbs that include: to make alive; to excite; to stimulate; to incite; and to accelerate. By strict definition, I must agree that we are indeed experiencing a “quickening.”
However, the definition for “quickening” that most blew my mind is the following: “Quickening – the first motion of the fetus in the womb felt by the mother.” Then it hit me, “YES! The planet is truly experiencing “The Quickening” … for we are birthing a new civilization, and it is just showing its first signs of life.
We are seeing the first motions of the evolving new super-organism … “Humanity.” Humanity is a life-form wherein each human is a “cell” in the body of a single, super organism. The global crises have reached a stimulus threshold that is now engaging the higher consciousness of millions of citizens around the world. People are awakening from the trance of the Matrix, taking the Red Pill and regaining their personal powers to make a difference.
The Power of ONE
In this age of technology and with the development of the Internet, the heart-driven intentions of one person, whom I refer to as an “imaginal cell,” can make a profound impact in supporting global evolution.
A few days ago, I viewed an amazing and inspiring web video entitled The Call. I was so taken by the message and the production, I had to push replay several times! To my astonishment, this short video accurately captured the full essence of Spontaneous Evolution. The Call video truly represents an exciting and compelling synopsis of Steve’s and my book.
After viewing the video, I was encouraged to fully check out the home page for the organization responsible for this important contribution. The “organization” turns out to be Awakening As One. The site was seeking collaboration with other evolutionary groups with a mission to “co-create a vision of how we may inspire and unite the way to the new world.”
Within minutes, I contacted the Evolutionary Leaders, of which I am honored to be a member, and spread the news about this exciting video (please visit: Within minutes after that, the Evolutionary Leaders organization extended its hand to join on with this coalition of planetary organizations communing to create a new, sustainable civilization.
I was so impressed by Awakening As One production that I wanted to learn more about the group that created this project, whose message is rapidly spreading around the world. I was truly blown away, to say the least, when I found out this organization was “Keith,” one person from British Columbia, operating from his heart and with his “guides.”
Keith’s project is taking on a life of its own and has the potential to empower our collective evolution. I encourage you, please to take a few minutes and watch The Call. And if you find it worthy enough … send it on to all of your friends!
To view The Call video, visit:
Dear evolutionaries, keep your hearts and minds focused on the beautiful future that lies before us!
With Love and Light,
p.s. If possible, I would appreciate you joining me for my first 2010 speaking engagements