Have you ever stopped to appreciate the majestic intelligence of your body? The millions of tasks running flawlessly to keep you alive and humming?
Our bodies are a true gift, one that contains far more wisdom than we were trained to believe – if we learn to access it.
In a culture that places so much emphasis on cognitive tasks and productivity, it’s easy to literally “take leave of your senses” and experience a major disconnection from your body’s natural, deep intelligence.
The result? You feel lethargic, isolated and depleted. You develop strange physical ailments. You put on weight. You feel tense and uncreative. Or maybe life just doesn’t have that shimmer that you know it could have.
That’s why I want to invite you to a very special, no-cost online event – The Body Intelligence Summit – taking place February 10-13. I’m honored to be among 20 of the world’s top experts in this emergent field – including people like Dean Ornish, Debbie Rosas and Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks – who will help you discover the thrill of embodied living. I am speaking on Feb. 13, 9 am PST.
You can sign up for free here: