The subconscious mind is a data base of stored programs, primarily derived from the programming a child receives from the last trimester of pregnancy through the first six years of life. These are stimulus-response programs, that is “habits.” There is no thinking in these subconscious behaviors, it’s more like push the button, play the program.
Unfortunately, the downloaded programs comprising the subconscious data base are derived from recording the behavior of others (parents, siblings and community). AND … psychology reveals up to 70% of these “learned” behaviors are disempowering, self-sabotaging and limiting.
As importantly, these programmed behaviors are expressed as “energy” vibrations that are not contained in your head. The brain’s activity can be read using magnetoencephalograph (MEG) technology, similar to EEG except the probe for MEG readings is outside of the head. Simply your thoughts are not contained in your head but are broadcast into the field.
More Postings on the Conscious Mind
What do you know about – Your Conscious Mind: The Creator Within: Part 1 & Part 2