Regarding the MPS1: Not long ago, the concept of “gene” almost meant that our lives are determined by our heredity. The new science of epigenetics changes all of that understanding, for it recognizes that genes do not “control” our biology. The new insights reveal that environment, and especially our “perception” of the environment control genetic activity. Do genes have an influence, the answer is “yes-but.” About one percent of human diseases are determined by genes. The rest reflect an interaction between our perceptions and our genes.
See the “Remember Ticker-Tape Machine” blog post at the beginning of this month for more information.
Back to MPS1
Simply, health is a product of epigenetics, the interaction between genes and environment (at least the mind’s “interpretation” of the environment). For now, the most important question is, “Can epigenetics cure MPS1 issues?” On a technical level, the answer is very likely, yes. On a practical level, it would be more accurate to say that epigenetic mechanisms can alter the course of the illness. Where’s the problem? The answer is that the mind is comprised of two interdependent elements: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is connected to your personal identity (spirit), it is the creative mind that supports your wishes, desires and aspirations. Your conscious mind is the one wishing for your health.
Please note, there are previous blogs on subconscious vs conscious mind. For example: