llwytho Digwyddiadau

«Pob Digwyddiad

Byw mewn Cytgord â Ni Ein Hunain a chyda Natur

Mis Medi 26 @ 10: 00 yb - 5: 00 pm PDT

Brwsel, Gwlad Belg

Brwsel, Gwlad Belg

Ymuno Bruce ym Mrwsel as he shares the science of our belief systems at a cellular level, how stress informs our immune systems, and how beliefs guide our behaviors. His lecture will be followed by a 3 day PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop, where you will learn how to create the best life on this planet, and how to live in harmony with yourself and with nature.

O'r 27th 29-th  of September D.O. Duccio Locati will teach in English, Martine Tondeur in French and Paula van der Werff in Dutch (Certified PSYCH-K® Instructors).