From the Beatles to Jesus, we humans have spent the past 2,000 years hearing and resisting the message of love. Perhaps now that science is echoing ancient wisdom in this regard, we might actually heed the message. Yes!?
Thanks to the current paradigm of scientific materialism, most of us believe (if not consciously, than unconsciously) that life is a dog-eat-dog rat race, a dire competition where only the most fit survive. However, science now tells us that this Darwinian view is distorted. In actuality, environments survive and evolve as systems. Whatever helps to balance that system thrives, while that which doesn’t fit, doesn’t survive. Thus, the real evolutionary principle is survival of the “fittingest.”
We are each and all cells in the body of an evolving giant super-organism we call humanity. Because humans have free will, we can choose to either rise to that new level of emergence or, in the manner of dinosaurs, fall by the wayside. Like it or not, our future depends on the choices we make as a species.