Greetings Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives and Seekers Everywhere!
From Resolution to Revolution
Traditional New Year’s Eve celebrations mark the ending of an “old” year and the birth of a new one. The past is now history, and the future represents a fresh start. By tradition, many use this transition time to generate New Year’s resolutions, behavioral intentions to manifest a better future.
However, for most, these “good” intentions amount to nothing more than wishes that will be resurrected in next year’s New Year’s resolution process. Resolutions are simply intentions. This recalls the and NOT an action!
Yes, the conscious mind can generate great wishes and desires. However, our life’s actions are derived from the programmed subconscious mind that controls behavior 95% of the day. To put an intention into practice first requires the rewriting of limiting subconscious programs. The most important life influencing programs are the beliefs that we acquired first. This generates a problem in creating resolutions because we are generally unaware of the programs that control our behavior.
The reason is that the most influential life-shaping programs were downloaded before we were conscious. We are not conscious of programs downloaded before birth and almost all of us have no awareness of the programs we acquired between 0 and age 2. The good news is that the subconscious programs provide for 95% of our lives, consequently, our lives are printouts of our subconscious programs.
The things that we like that come into our lives are there because we have programs to support them. However, the wishes and desires that we seek and find ourselves working hard to achieve and are putting a lot of effort into or sweating over to manifest, represent disempowering, limiting or self-sabotaging subconscious programs.
Before we can manifest our intentions to create a better life, we must first rewrite limiting programs. There are 3 ways to change dysfunctional subconscious behaviors:
1) Self-hypnosis; 2) Create a new habit though practice and repetition; and, 3) Engage energy psychology (over 25 energy psychology modalities are provided in my website, under Resources).
As I have reported many times, current civilization is unsustainable, and the planet’s worsening chaos is an expression of an evolutionary upheaval. We are in the early stage of current civilization’s collapse, and the chaos is just beginning. How will you fare in this upheaval? The answer to that question is already programmed in your subconscious mind.
The emphasis of The Biology of Belief is that we are all are powerful creators in manifesting our lives. To thrive into the future, we should consider a 3-step process:
- Assess our subconscious programs by reviewing the character of our lives.
- Create Resolutions that will enhance our lives.
- Use the Resolutions to actively rewrite limiting programs
Don’t wait till you die to experience a life in Heaven. You were “born” into Heaven. Life on Earth is where you came to manifest wishes, desires and aspirations. Only our programs prevent us from experiencing that reality. What if you stopped playing those programs? Have you ever been in Love and experienced the “Honeymoon Effect,” tantamount to living Heaven-on-Earth? That was directly the result of suspending limiting programs. By rewriting our limitations, we can have Heaven-on-Earth everyday of our long, long lives!
Wishing you a life filled with Happiness, Health, and Harmony,
Upcoming Events
At this time we are planning for these events to occur and will notify you if there’s a change in schedule.
TCCHE Conference
Mindset Matters – The Science of Thriving in a World of Change
The Honeymoon Effect
Conscious Parenting Workshop
TCCHE Conference
Bruce’s Spotlight
Years of lecturing around this beautiful planet have provided me an opportunity to encounter wonderful Cultural Creatives that are helping to bring harmony into the world. Each month, I want to honor these cultural creatives by sharing with you the gifts they have shared with me.
This month, I’d like to honor my dear friend, Lauren Monroe. Lauren is a New York native based in California, who skillfully crafts transformative experiences through her music and storytelling. Drawing from her background as a healing arts facilitator, Monroe captivates audiences, resonating deeply with them. Her music and art are imbued with a purpose: to lead listeners toward inner growth, cultivate empathy, and navigate life’s challenges with resilience.
Her recent albums, “Under the Wolf Moon” (2021) and “Messages From Aphrodite” (2022), produced by Grammy award-winning engineer/producer Jim Scott, explore the human experience with rare insight and compassion. Monroe’s songs make an immediate and timeless impact, resonating with profound authenticity.
I was blessed to have Lauren and her fantastic band headlining my 80th birthday party this last year. Lucky me!
Please watch these wonderful music videos for her songs “Brave” and “Big Love” and enjoy!
Featuring Bruce
Commune – Online Course with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.
Here is what epigenetics and quantum physics have revealed: Your thoughts and beliefs directly influence your gene expression and life experiences.
So, why aren’t we simply thinking nice thoughts and manifesting heaven on earth?
Most of the time your subconscious programming is running the show — and your subconscious is likely full of disempowering and self-sabotaging beliefs.
This new online course will help you break free from limiting beliefs, transform your programming, and be the master of your destiny. Because when you can change your beliefs, you can change your biology.
Bruce Recommends
Gaia, the world’s largest programmer of conscious media, has just released The Power of Intention, a documentary about my dear friend Lynne McTaggart, an award-winning journalist and internationally bestselling author, proving that thoughts can heal ourselves, each other and the world. Watch Now
The documentary is only the beginning. It also invites you to take part in the 2025 Peace Intention Experiment, Lynne’s largest Intention Experiment to date, which Lynne will be leading live at Gaia’s GaiaSphere in Colorado on February 1, 2025 and livestreaming around the world.
If you’d like to join this historic event and experience the Mirror Effect for yourself.– it’s also FREE to all participants – just sign up.
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
- Heal Our Planet!
- Heal Our Waters!
- Raise Our Consciousness!
Join tens of thousands of people throughout the planet as they join together on February 14, 2025 for the 23rd Annual World Sound Healing Day. This is a day to send a “Sonic Valentine” to the Gaia Matrix—the field of consciousness of our planet Earth.
World Sound Healing Day is a time when thousands of people throughout our planet create sounds filled with gratitude and love and project them onto Mother Earth in order to raise the vibrations of all living beings in love and light through Sound.
Become a Member
Join today for the next Membership Call, happening Saturday February 8th at noon PDT and get exclusive access to the audio and video resources in the Bruce Lipton Archive – featuring over 30 years of cutting-edge research and teaching. Plus, when you join you’ll have the chance to ask your questions and hear Bruce LIVE on our Monthly Member Webinars. Learn more about membership.