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Reprogram Your Life
So here’s the big question: how do we know our programs? Bruce explains: “your life is a printout of your programs.” Some of these programs support and enhance our lives, while others cause us to struggle and work hard. If we are struggling in some area of our life – health, wealth, relationships – it’s a sign that we have programs that don’t support our conscious wishes and desires.
Think Yourself Healthy
Create Heaven on Earth and Reprogram your Mind – a conversation with Heather Deranja.
Pathways to Family Wellness Podcast
In this episode, Bruce talks about the importance of the perinatal period as well as early childhood and how these periods can have a dramatic impact on our future selves, not from the standpoint of genetic determinism, but through the lens of consiousness and programming.
Dr. Lulu’s The Genetic Genius Podcast
On this week’s episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses epigenetic revolution: everything about energy, photons, stem cell, genetics, DNA and planetary evolution.
Pretty Intense Podcast
Listen to Danica Patrick speak with Bruce about the field of epigenetics, love, and how to align your subconscious programming with your conscious wishes and desires.
Mark Groves Podcast
Mark Groves, a Human Connection Specialist, explores the complex world of relationships and connection. Sit down with Mark and Bruce and listen to their discussion on epigenetics and how to reprogram your subconscious mind.
Inspired Evolution
Listen to Amrit and Bruce discuss the power of the subconscious mind and how we can reprogram deep-seated unconscious beliefs, change our health and reality through the power of positive thought.
Dawn of an Era of Well-Being Podcast
Today we are joined for a dynamic conversation with the noted biologist Bruce Lipton whose ground breaking work on the connection between science and spirituality has made him an important voice in the fields of new biology and epigenetics. Dr. Lipton will discuss some of his thoughts on how thoughts and emotional experiences impact the human organism on a cellular level.
Back in Control Podcast
In this episode, Dr. David Hanscom talks with Dr, Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist and author of the best-selling book, The Biology of Belief. He discusses how epigenetics, gene expression and cell metabolism show how we can use our consciousness to create better health. He also explains how sustained stress can derail cell growth, shut down the immune system and restrict blood flow to the parts of our brain that govern higher cognitive function, ultimately impacting our life and health.
Always Better Than Yesterday
Bruce shares his 50+ years experience of science and cell biology with host, Ryan Hartley, and there will no doubt be things you hear which may be new to you or counter to the world view that many people will hold. I invite you to listen to this episode with curiosity, an open mind and I extend a continued invitation to seek your own experiences.