The Meaning Of Future Human Evolution
The human race has not stopped evolving. There is the belief that because we feel we are at the top of the food chain, we have stopped evolving, but this is not the case. We continue to evolve and change, its just such a slow process, we do not see it happening. That being said, a human of 200,000 years from now is going to look a lot different from the human of today, and that evolution is going to be shaped by what we do now, and the choices we make as a species.
Future human evolution is a concept that many scientists are interested in because we are the first species to influence our evolution not from outside factors, but from our own choices and decisions. Future human evolution is also something we should be aware of now, because it is happening now and the changes that will shape that future human evolution are happening now.
This is a concept that Dr. Bruce Lipton knows very well and he is at the forefront of the concept of conscious evolution. Future human evolution, according to Dr. Lipton and many other prominent scientists, is being dictated by the conscious choices we make now. With Epigenetics, the choices we make now are having an impact on our lives because we are essentially changing how our cells process information. This has huge ramifications for the future human evolution, because we are evolving our bodies even now.
In his book, Spontaneous Evolution, Dr. Lipton argues that we can have a conscious evolution, which will lead us to a better future as a result. Seeing that the world is in critical condition, there are still stories of people who have suddenly survived horrible illnesses, almost through a miracle. If that can happen to individuals, can it happen to the world? This is how conscious evolution can dictate the path of future human evolution. According to Dr. Lipton, it is not only possible to consciously evolve the human race to a better future, but it is already happening at this point. The proof is there that humanity is about to take a massive step forward in the future human evolution of our species. In the book, Dr. Lipton works with philosopher Steve Bhaerman, and provides a new and hopeful glimpse at the future human evolution destiny.
Our species has never stopped evolving, but unlike when we evolved on the African continent to stand on two legs so we could see predators and prey at a long distance, or evolved the ability to marathon run to tire out our prey, we are now dictating our evolution, not nature. Future human evolution is happening now, and we have the ability to choose the path of the evolution. Do we want to go to a hopeful future filled with happiness and growth, or do we want to have a future human evolution that takes us away from the top of the food chain, and back down to the lower ranks of prey? The choice is ours.
Read more about Future Human Evolution in the book Spontaneous Evolution by Dr. Bruce Lipton.