Date and Place of Birth
October 21, 1944 in Mt. Kisco, New York
Formal Education
1962-1966 B.A., Biology major, C.W. Post College of Long Island University, Brookville, NY
1966-1971 Ph.D. in Developmental Cell Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Thesis Title: Myogenesis in Cell Culture: An ultrastructural study. Mentor: Dr. I.R. Konigsberg.
1966 (Summer) Field work at Mt. Lake Biological Station, University of Virginia, Mt. Lake, VA. Studies on Animal Behavior and Population Genetics.
Academic Position and Fellowships
1966 National Science Foundation Traineeship, Mt. Lake Biological Station, Univ. of VA.
1968-1971 National Institutes of Health Pre-doctoral Traineeship, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
1968 Biological Stain Commission Fellow, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
1972-1973 Department of Health, Education and Welfare Post-doctoral Trainee, Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, TX. Mentor: Dr. Antone G. Jacobson.
1973-1979 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, Madison, WI.
1979-1982 Associate Professor of Anatomy, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, Madison, WI.
1983-1986 Professor of Anatomy, St. George’s University School of Medicine, University Centre, Grenada (West Indies).
1987-1988 Senior Research Associate, American Health Assistance Foundation Grant (awarded to Dr. Theodore Hollis), Department of Biology, Penn State University, University Park, PA.
1988-1992 Stanford Scholar, Cutaneous Biology Program, Departments of Dermatology and Pathology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA.
1991-1992 Visiting Professor of Anatomy, St. George’s University School of Medicine, University Centre, Grenada. Histology, Cell Biology, and Embryology
1991-1993 Director, Inst. for Cellular Communication, Univ. of the Trees, Boulder Creek, CA.
1993 Visiting Professor of Anatomy, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR. Histology, Cell Biology and Embryology
1994-1997 Adjunct Professor, J. F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA
1995-1998 Adjunct Professor, Life Chiropractic College West, San Lorenzo, CA
1999-2004 Visiting Faculty, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, IA
2006-Present Visiting Faculty, New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Auckland, NZ
Non-Academic Positions
1979-1984 Founder and President of LASER GROUP INC., research, development and application of laser projection technology.
Teaching Experience
1973-1993 Histology-Cell Biology (Univ. of Wisconsin, St. Georges University, UPR, San Juan), for first year medical students and graduate students.
1976-1979 Gross Anatomy for Nurses (University of Wisconsin), participant in team
1991-1992 Medical Embryology (St. George’s University School of Medicine)
1991 Physiology 472 Graduate Level Course (Penn State University)
1987 Human Physiology-Biology 41 (Penn State University).
1988 Physiology 472 Graduate Level Course (Penn State University)
1994-1997 The Biology of Consciousness (an elective course, JFK Univ.)
1995-2000 Fractal Biology (CEU program for Life Chiropractic College West)
2001-Present Biology of Complementary Medicine (US and Canadian workshops for health professionals, sponsored by Spirit 2000)
2006-Present Immunology (New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Auckland)
2006 Best Science Book – The Biology of Belief (USA Book News)
2009 The Goi Peace Award (Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan)
Professional Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Health and Psychology, Board Member
Service-Professional and Public
Staff member (Trainer) of N.I.H. Developmental Biology Training Program Grant, University of
Wisconsin, 1978-1981.
Organizer and convener of 2nd CONFERENCE ON MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION, held at the Rockefeller University (N.Y.) in February, 1978. Also served as editor of the proceedings of that conference, subsequently published by Raven Press of New York.
Co-organizer for the Developmental Biology Society national meeting held in Madison, WI, 1978.
Editor and advisory consultant for Lange Medical Publications of Los Altos, California, 1976-1983.
Coordinator for developing Independent Study/Self-Teaching Program Modules in Anatomy and Embryology. Creation of self-assessment training programs of medical students utilizing computerized integration of audio-visual media. St. George’s University, 1985-1986.
Board of Advisors, Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Board of Advisors, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health
Co-organizer for the Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health Association’s International Congress, San Diego, CA November 2005
Research Publications (Full Reports Only)
Lipton, B. H. and I. R. Konigsberg 1972 A fine structural analysis of the fusion of myogenic cells. Journal of Cell Biology, 53:348-363.
Lipton, B. H. and A. G. Jacobson 1974 Analysis of normal somite development. Developmental Biology, 38:73-90.
Lipton, B. H. and A. G. Jacobson 1974 Experimental analysis of the mechanisms of somite morphogenesis. Developmental Biology, 38:91-103.
Konigsberg, U. R., B. H. Lipton and I. R. Konigsberg 1975 The regenerative response of single mature muscle fibers isolated in vitro. Developmental Biology, 45:260-275.
Phillips. M. H., M. S. Steinberg and B. H. Lipton 1977 Embryonic tissues as elastico-viscous liquids: II Direct evidence for cell slippage in centrifuged aggregates. Developmental Biology, 59:124-134.
Prior, D. J. and B. H. Lipton 1977 An ultrastructural study of peripheral neurons and associated non- neural structures in the bivalve mollusc, Spisula solidissima. Tissue and Cell, 9:223-240.
Lipton, B. H. 1977 A fine structural analysis of normal and modulated cells in myogenic culture. Developmental Biology, 60:26-47.
Lipton, B. H. 1977 Collagen synthesis by normal and bromodeoxyuridine-treated cells in myogenic culture. Developmental Biology, 61:153-165.
Schultz, E. and B. H. Lipton 1978 The effect of Marcaine on muscle and non-muscle cells in vitro. Anatomical Record, 191:351-370.
Lipton, B. H. 1979 Skeletal muscle regeneration in muscular dystrophy. Muscle Regeneration (A Mauro, et al, editors). Raven Press (New York). pp.31-40.
Lipton, B. H. and E. Schultz 1979 Developmental fate of skeletal muscle satellite cells. Science
Emmerling, M. R., C. D. Johnson, D. F. Mosher, B. H. Lipton and J. E. Lilien 1981 Cross-linking and binding of fibronectin with asymmetric acetylcholinesterase. Biochemistry, 20:3242-3247.
Schultz, E. and B. H. Lipton 1982 Skeletal muscle satellite cells: Changes in proliferation as a function of age. Mechanisms of Aging and Development, 20:377-383.
Lipton, B. H., K. G. Bensch and M. A. Karasek 1991 Microvessel Endothelial Cell
Transdifferentiation: Phenotypic Characterization. Differentiation, 46:117-133.
Lipton, B. H, K. G. Bensch and M. A. Karasek 1992 Histamine-Modulated Transdifferentiation of Dermal Microvascular Endothelial Cells. Experimental Cell Research, 199:279-291
Lipton, B. H. 1998 The Evolving Science of Chiropractic Philosophy. Today’s Chiropractic 27(5):16-19
Lipton, B. H. 1998 Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 13:3-10
Lipton, B. H. 1999 The Evolving Science of Chiropractic Philosophy. Part II Today’s Chiropractic, 28(6): 20-31
Lipton, B. H. 2001 Nature, Nurture and Human Development. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 16:167-180
Lipton, B. H. 2001 Insight into Cellular Consciousness. Bridges (ISSEEEM Org.) 12(1):5-9
Former Grant Support
National Institutes of Health- 1974-1982. Principal Investigator. Covering research on: Satellite cells and Regeneration in Normal and Dystrophic Muscle.
Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America – 1974-1980. Principal Investigator. Covering research on: Population Dynamics of Satellite Cells in Dystrophic Muscle.
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation – 1978-1980. Covering research on: Somite and Muscle Development.
Muscle Regeneration (1979) Editor: A. Mauro; Associate Editors: R. Bischoff, B. M. Carlson, I. R. Konigsberg, B. H. Lipton and S. Shafiq. Raven Press, N.Y.
Basic Histology 2nd. Edition (1978), 3rd. Edition (1980), and 4th. Edition (1983), by L. C. Junquiera and J. Carneiro. Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California. Served as principal editor and contributor of the 2nd. thru 4th. editions of this text.
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles (2005) Bruce H. Lipton, Mountain of Love Productions, Inc and Elite Books, San Rafael, CA
Healing Our Planet, Healing Our Selves: The Power of Change Within to Change the World (2005) Editors: D. Church and G. Gendreau, Chapter 17-The Ching and I: Bio-Political Musings of a Transformed Scientist, Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA
Healing the Heart of the World: Harnessing the Power of Intention to Change Your Life and Your Planet (2005) Editor: D. Church, Chapter 32-The Biology of Inspiration, Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA
Advances in Hypnosis for Medicine, Dentistry and Pain Prevention/Management (2009) Editor: D. C. Brown, MD, Chapter 2-The Biology of Hypnosis, Crown House Publishing, Wales, UK
Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives (2008) Editor: J. M. House, Chapter 39-Intelligence of Your Cells, Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA
Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality (2008) Editor: Tami Simon, Part 2 Revealing the Wizard Behind the Curtain: The New Biology and Epigenetics, Sounds True, Boulder, CO
Audacious Aging (2009) Editor: Stephanie Marohn, Chapter 24-Aging: Belief or Biology. Elite Books, Santa Rosa, CA
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future [And A Way To Get There From Here] (2009) Bruce H. Lipton, PhD and Steve Bhaerman, Hay House Carlsbad, CA
The Honeymoon Effect, The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, (2013) Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Hay House Carlsbad, CA