As Bruce’s work emphasizes, “beliefs are the primary factor that shape how our biology and our lives unfold. As described, the beliefs that primarily control us are those that are programmed into our subconscious minds (the subconscious being a million times more powerful than the conscious mind, that runs our biology 95-99% of the day). Since we are generally unaware of our subconscious beliefs (hence the concept of “unconscious” processing), we rarely see that our own behavior is the sabotaging element we must face.
There are indeed, a large variety of energy psychology processes that can help us reshape limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs. The effectiveness of any energy healing modality, is principally influenced by the “desire” of the recipient to change their lives. Consequently, sometimes these new modalities are effective for some individuals and not for others. However, no one particular process impacts all people.
Fortunately, the energy psychology “healing toolbox” contains a variety of modalities so that an individual can choose the one that best fits their particular consciousness and needs. So, the truthful insight is that each person is biologically and behaviorally different and as a consequence, there is no single approach that we know of that uniformly impacts all people.
Bruce acknowledges the following four processes to change our subconscious beliefs:
- Hypnosis. This is the way we learned our programs in the first 7 years of life. During this time the mind is operating in a low vibrational frequency like hypnosis. The theta state is very receptive and we do this two time every day before falling asleep and just before waking up.
- Repetition. Through repetition and the creation of “habits,” the primary way we acquire subconscious programs after age 7. This can’t just be sticky notes on the mirror. This must be felt and experienced. This can be difficult if we are experiencing great contrast to the thing we want. Remember habits are by repeating something over and over and over again. Practicing, repeating, practicing!
- Energy Psychology (aka super learning). New belief modification programs that engage the brain’s super-learning processes, allowing programs to be changed very quickly. Bruce recommends and uses PSYCH-K ( which is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a divine being having a human experience. We also have a list of other belief change modalities found at Any of these that resonate with you would be helpful as well.
- High Impact Events. An individual may rapidly rewrite programs after an overwhelming or psychologically-traumatizing life experience (e.g., being diagnosed with a terminal illness).
What’s the catch and last piece of the puzzle?! Being Fully Present.
Through the above four processes, we can rewrite destructive programs that occupy our subconscious field. All of us, yes including you, can safely and easily rewrite limiting subconscious programs using one of four fundamental ways to install new subconscious behaviors. We are not victims of anything other than the programs we are operating from. Change the programs you are operating from. If your subconscious programs match the wishes and desires of the conscious mind, your life will be one continuous honeymoon experience (The Honeymoon Effect) for as long as you live on this planet.